BBG Watch Commentary

For a background on these images from videos posted online by U.S. taxpayer-funded Voice of America (VOA) without any balance or any American viewpoints, please read:

Voice of America shows torching of U.S. and Israeli flags in videos with no balance or American views, BBG Watch, December 11, 2017.

RT and Voice of America both fanned anti-U.S. flames after Trump’s Jerusalem decision, BBG Watch, December 11, 2017.

Biden ignores RFE/RL, VOA, BBG in Foreign Affairs article on Russian propaganda, BBG Watch, December 9, 2017.

VOA Video Burning of No Trump Sign Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 3:00 PM ET
VOA Video Burning of U.S. and Israeli Flags Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 6:55 PM ET
VOA Video Burning of American Flag and Trump Effigy Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 7:56 PM ET
VOA Video Tramping on U.S. and Israeli Flags Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 7:11 PM ET
VOA Video Burning of Israeli Flag Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 7:16 PM ET
VOA Video Say No To Trump Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 6:03 PM ET
VOA Video Trump Urinals Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 6:16 PM ET