BBG Watch Media

The Telegraph reported on July 2 (sorry for the delay in highlighting this; many of our volunteers are on vacations): “More than 1,000 jobs are to be cut at the BBC as senior management roles are sacrificed in the next round of cost-cutting measures.”

As many as ten layers of management in some departments, he said, would be culled to a maximum of seven, requiring ‘fewer decision-makers in all parts of the BBC’.”

“In particular, the BBC will reduce management roles across all areas of the BBC with a firm focus on senior figures.”

“However other areas of huge waste have been identified within the corporation, including £100m lost on a failed digital project several years ago.”


READ MORE: BBC to cut 1,000 jobs in management cull: More than 1,000 jobs are to go at the BBC as Lord Hall announces sweeping cuts to management levels, By Hannah Furness, The Telegraph 02 Jul 2015


Sound familiar? Can anyone name another taxpayer-supported media organization that does far worse than the BBC, vastly expanded its management at the expense of programs, and wasted millions of dollars on non-productive digital projects?

Even with some of the British taxpayers’ money poorly spent on digital expansion, BBC has a great news website and gets thousands of “Likes” for many of its online news reports to barely a few for Voice of America (VOA) online stories. This may have something to do not only with BBC’s digital platforms (even though they may not be as good as they could be), but most likely and primarily with still far superior BBC news content. The management that makes management decisions for the Voice of America resides primarily in the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) which is part of an even larger bureaucracy of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress have been trying to reform the BBG bureaucracy, but so far without success. The bureaucracy is fighting back with media leaks trying to discredit the reforms’ sponsors.