BBG Media Highlights – January 15, 2014

BBG Watch Commentary – These “BBG Media Highlights” are distributed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) – a U.S. federal agency. While in the past, they were sometimes censored to remove U.S. and foreign media articles critical of the agency’s operations, it appears to be less of a problem now under a renewed and reform-minded Board.

We repost “BBG Media Highlights” without any guarantees of their completeness. They do not always include significant reports posted by think tanks and individual bloggers.

Please check our website for any additional reporting on U.S. international media outreach.

Today’s “BBG Media Highlights” offer links to a number of articles about RFE/RL journalist David Satter whom Russian authorities want to keep out of Russia. We recommend Index on Censorship article. It explains how authorities in President Putin’s Russia, in an operation likely initiated by the FSB, Putin’s ex-employer (KGB), arraged for Satter to “lose” his Russian visa so they could charge him for being in the country without a visa.

To view the U.S. State Department statement on Satter, which was ignored yesterday by the Voice of America, see: “U.S. State Department ‘disappointed’ with Russian visa denial to American journalist, Voice of America has not yet reported,” BBG Watch, Jan. 15, 2014.


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BBG Media Highlights – January 15, 2014
About Our Networks— David Satter visa rejection covered across international media: ReutersWashington PostIndex on CensorshipMashableCPJCNNForbes opinion piece. David Satter op-ed in the Wall Street JournalBroadcasting Board of Governors issues a statement; Hudson Institute issues a statement.

— Prague Post on the harassment of VOA and RFE/RL journalists in Ukraine.

Citations of BBG Networks

— UPI cites Voice of America reporting on anti-government protests in Bangkok.

— Celebrity Cafe cites VOA reporting on anti-gay bill in Nigeria.

In the foreign-language press:

— Elbashayer and Almatraqa published articles about Alhurra’s extensive coverage of the two-day referendum on a revised constitution in Egypt. Alhurra started airing special programming related to the referendum in the beginning of last week. The topics include the power of the military, human, women’s and Copts rights in addition to the role of Islamists. Alhurra is also focusing its coverage on the international monitoring and integrity of the referendum.

Of Interest

— Facebook to share user data with Yandex.

— Xinhua News Agency isn’t very successful on Twitter.

— Goodbye, net neutrality.

About Us
The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is the independent federal agency that oversees all government-supported U.S. civilian international media. The mission of the BBG is to inform, engage and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy. Networks within the BBG include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa), Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio and TV Marti).  BBG programming reaches an audience of 206 million in more than 100 countries and in 61 languages.