BBG Watch Commentary – “BBG Media Highlights” are distributed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) – a U.S. federal agency.

We re-post “BBG Media Highlights” without any guarantees of their completeness.

Please check our website for any additional reporting on U.S. international media outreach.

Today we recommend the Committee to Protect Journalists article Journalists assaulted amid protests in Ukraine, which mentions that “at least two journalists with the Ukrainian service of the U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty said that police ignored their “Press” vests and cards, briefly detained them, and beat them with fists and batons.”

We also recommend Al Jazeera article “Intimidated journalists in Russia hesitate to criticize Sochi Games,” which mentions the denial of Russian visa to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty journalist and advisor David Satter.

Also interesting is Government Executive article reporting that the Broadcasting Board of Governors has reshuffled its management team. It quotes Jeff Trimble, a veteran journalist, telling Government Executive he is pleased to take on more management duties to “enhance the editorial cooperation and collaboration across media properties across the BBG. We have great original content in 61 languages, so to help us work better globally, we had to look internally to lift our game in an era of limited resources.”

You may also want to read: “BBG reconfirms IBB management changes, allays some but not all concerns,” BBG Watch, Jan. 23, 2014.

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BBG Media Highlights – January 23, 2014
About Our Networks

— PoynterCPJ, and L’Express (French) cover beatings of RFE/RL Ukrainian Service journalists.

— Government Executive reports that the Broadcasting Board of Governors has reshuffled its management team.

— “This Azerbaijani investigative journalist surrenders her privacy and safety in order to speak truth to power. What have you done today?” – ZY profiles RFE/RL’s Khadija Ismaylova.

— Aljazeera mentions David Satter case in story about crackdown on reporters in Russia.

Citations of BBG Networks

— Egypt telecom provides 3G to North Korea. The Chosun Ilbo cites Voice of America reporting that North Korea is not sending back profits.

— New York Times uses RFE/RL tweet to cover text message mystery in Ukraine.

— Bloomberg and UPI cite RFE/RL coverage of protests in Ukraine.

— North Korea is asking traders to spy. Daily NK cites Radio Free Asia reporting.

— RIA Novosti cites RFE/RL in story on a detained lawyer Murad Musayev.

— UPI cites VOA reporting on seven paramilitary personnel killed in Pakistan in attempted kidnapping.

— Minus 25 degrees? Let’s go for a swim. WTVR cites RFE/RL report on Epiphany tradition.

— Tibetan Review cites RFA reporting on Xu Zhiyong trial.

Of Interest

— Trove is a treasure for news junkies.

— Portraying Iranian youth culture.

— Images of pigs censored in Malaysia edition of the New York Times.

— Defying the traditions of Syrian media.

— Amazing photo of a scene amidst the Ukrainian riots.

— The health hazards of sitting.

About Us
The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is the independent federal agency that oversees all government-supported U.S. civilian international media. The mission of the BBG is to inform, engage and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy. Networks within the BBG include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa), Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio and TV Marti).  BBG programming reaches an audience of 206 million in more than 100 countries and in 61 languages.