BBG Watch

We have just passed 6 million hits for our BBG Watch website. Our hit counter records one hit for every time a webpage is viewed; it does not distinguish unique visitors, but six million is not too bad for an all volunteer-run website which does not seek nor get public, or many private donations.

BBG Watch does not cost U.S. taxpayers one penny, but we are still able to break important news in revealing government waste and inefficiencies. BBG Watch has been cited by NPR, Fox News, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and many other mainstream media outlets, as well as in blogs in the United States and abroad.

BBG Watch is read on Capitol Hill, at the State Department, and at the White House. It was mentioned in The Congressional Record. We can justly claim some credit for promoting reforms in U.S. International Media (USIM) operations and improving the treatment of U.S. taxpayer-paid journalists.

Thank you for your readership and support.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank our contributors, and our volunteer editors and writers.