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US International Broadcasting and the BBG: The Numbers Game

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) has announced that its own surveys (These are not completely independent surveys. They are produced by a contractor, InterMedia, for whom the BBG has been for years the only major client.

BBG Discussion of the 1.3 Million Dollar Deloitte Contract

As observed by Dr. Helle Dale of the Heritage Foundation, “despite having adopted a new strategic plan, the board then spent a good 10 minutes of its October 13 meeting discussing contracting an independent firm to perform a feasibility study of consolidation.” If consolidation of services is part of a plan already adopted—and to some degree already underway—” Dr
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Putin goes after Radio Svoboda on Russian TV — CUSIB and BBG Watch

In a prime-time interview aired on October 17 with the heads of Russia’s three largest television stations, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that during the Cold War, his former employer — the KGB — viewed Radio Svoboda as a branch of the CIA engaged in spying in the former Soviet Union, the Committee for U.S.

BBG executives unnerved by Ashe’s interest in employee morale — BBG Watch

According to BBG Watch sources, Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) executives, including International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) senior staffers, were surprised by BBG member Victor Ashe’s public raising of the issue of employee concerns at the October 13 BBG meeting. Sources tell us they were even more surprised to receive a request from Ashe for a written report and a formal response on how they plan to address these concerns
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Employees are expendable collateral — The Federalist — BBG Watch

More on the BBG Employee Survey by The Federalist In the October 2011 meeting of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the open session was made notable by remarks from Ambassador Victor Ashe, a member of the board. Ambassador Ashe commented at some length about the recent employee survey. He noted some slight improvements in the survey results and other observations on employee-related subjects (both career staff and contractors).
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The “New” BBG Strategic Plan — The Federalist — BBG Watch

by The Federalist     On Friday, October 14, the Broadcasting Board of Governors put out a press release heralding its “new” alleged “strategic plan.”   Well, really, this isn’t something “new.”  It’s more a case of something being recycled and repackaged.  The goals are the same: the destruction of effective US international broadcasting.  Someone inside the Cohen Building must think they are being clever.
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NGOs defend media freedom against Kim Jong-Il's regime

Free media NGOs and shortwave radio stations help to bring uncensored news to North Korea. One of them is Voice of America. VOA and its parent agency, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, however, are also criticized for promoting to what amounts to a North Korean propaganda video.

Newly-formed Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting vows to defend media freedom journalism

BBG Watch has learned that individuals associated with U.S. human rights, labor, and media freedom organizations have formed the Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) with the aim of working with the Administration, Congress and media to promote free flow of uncensored news from the United States to countries in which journalists are threatened or lack sufficient resources.

Director Ensor says VOA to China will not go silent on October 1

This email just in less than 10 minutes ago, from David Ensor, Voice of America Director. Colleagues in the China Branch, I want to take this opportunity to share information with you about the FY 2012 budget and its possible impact on the Mandarin and Cantonese Services. I have been working closely with other senior agency managers on developments relating to VOA China programs and can confirm for you today that the proposed reductions to the VOA Mandarin and Cantonese Services will not take place on October 1.

“Potentially Damaging Content”

The latest revelations by BBG Watch regarding the Broadcasting Board of Governors describe an organization that is at…
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BBG management style

When did the BBG executives announce their decision to fire 45 VOA Chinese journalists? Chinese New Year Mao’s…