BBG Watch Media

“U.S. needs more money for more soft power outreach abroad, but Congress and President must first reform Broadcasting Board of Governors,” a former Voice of America (VOA) broadcaster said in a Digital Journal op-ed.

VOA Building in Washington, DC

The opinion piece written by former VOA acting associate director, media freedom NGO activist Ted Lipien, also includes a few comments from current VOA broadcasters.


“This isn’t hyperbole: this is the complete and total failure of the agency. The fact that it is, apparently, self-inflicted makes it all the worse. We are doing what Putin would love to be able to do: the Voice of America is silenced.”
— A Voice of America Journalist, December 30, 2015


READ MORE: Op-Ed: Reform needed for U.S. soft power to work, Ted Lipien, Digital Journal, January 2, 2016

Disclaimer: Ted Lipien is one of the co-founders and supporters of BBG Watch.