BBG Watch Commentary
President of Radio Liberty Dismissed for Destroying Editorial Office – Russia Today, Dec. 25, 2012
Radio Liberty President Steven Korn Fired After Destroying Moscow Editorial Team – ITAR-TASS, Dec. 25, 2012
President of Radio Liberty Will Lose His Post After Destroying the Russian Service –, Dec. 25, 2012
Masha Gessen Expertly Ruined Washington’s Propaganda Horn: President of Radio Liberty Dismissed – Moskovskie Vedomosti, Dec. 25, 2012
Masha Gessen Destroyed Moscow Team of Radio Liberty – RBK, Dec. 25, 2012
For more see: Russian and International Media on Radio Liberty Crisis – PDF, Updated Dec. 25, 2012, PM
Dozens of Russian media outlets have reported that the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the U.S. federal agency in charge of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), has asked RFE/RL president and CEO Steven Korn to leave his post, but Korn’s closest aides, the Russian Service director Masha Gessen and RFE/RL vice president for content Julia Ragona claim these are only rumors.
Komersant newspaper in Russia quotes Gessen as saying that “there is no talk of resignation, it’s just a rumor.”
Gessen told Izvestia, another Russian newspaper, that she spoke Tuesday with Julia Ragona in Prague who told her that these are just rumors and that Steven Korn will be returning to work after the New Year.
Korn sent a happy holidays email message to RFE/RL staff and announced that he will be back after the New Year.
In her latest Russian media interview, Gessen again downplayed reports that the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) had ordered a complete re-evaluation of what was done at Radio Liberty, suggesting that such reviews are routine, but her denials of the significance of the proposed review were not as categorical as before.
“The different interpretations revolve around whether to call it an inspection or a review. In English it is called a review. There are also different interpretations concerning what this group will do in Russia. Whether the study of what has been done at the radio including the consequences of the reforms that have been introduced or the study of the situation in Russia. As I understand myself, the inspection will be devoted to the situation in Russia and the [search of a] strategy for developing the radio in the future. Somebody assumes that it will be devoted to the reforms carried out. The future will tell. Probably the group will do whatever it deems necessary.”
Despite denials from Ragona and Gessen, sources tell BBG Watch that BBG members have indeed asked Steven Korn to resign and stripped him of authority to fire any more RFE/RL employees.
BBG member Victor Ashe described Gessen’s earlier comments downplaying the significance of the review of Radio Liberty as “stunning” and “totally untrue.” He also questioned suggestions by RFE/RL executives, including comments from RFE/RL vice president for administration Dale Cohen, that BBG members were greatly impressed with Gessen’s presentation at the last week’s BBG panel discussion on Russia.
BBG insiders tell BBG Watch that there is no doubt that Korn is on his way out. They see attacks by Gessen, Ragona, and Cohen on American NGO leaders and former Radio Liberty journalists as attempts to divert attention from themselves for creating the greatest crisis in the history of U.S. international broadcasting and to present their critics to BBG members as being misinformed opponents of progress, which has been their strategy for discrediting their critics all along.
Freedom House President David Kramer specifically refuted Ragona’s statements to RFE/RL staff that he had been misinformed earlier and that after participating in the panel discussion in Washington he has modified his criticism of the station’s management.
Kramer said in response: “Not only have I not changed my views on how bad the situation is at RFE/RL, I came away from the BBG panel more worried than I went in and more convinced than ever that it needs radical change at the top.” “The comments I heard suggest to me that nothing short of major change is required, meaning a complete housecleaning of the top leadership. The damage they have done is immeasurable,” Kramer concluded.
Ragona has not responded to a BBG Watch request for a comment about her remarks on Kramer and the fate of Steven Korn.
In earlier, much more confident sounding Russian media interviews, Gessen attacked heads of American NGOs, including Ann Noonan, executive director of the Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB –, who at an open BBG meeting in Washington last week defended the fired Radio Liberty journalists and specifically criticized Korn for dismissing fully qualified employees with disabilities. Gessen also said that Freedom House president David Kramer was not criticizing Steven Korn but only the loss of the station’s reputation in Russia, which, according to her, was inevitable because of “reforms.”
In her latest Russian media interviews, Gessen sounded less confident, but she continued to use the word “reform” to describe her role, as do Julia Ragona and Dale Cohen while accusing anyone who disagrees with them as being enemies of digital media — a useful accusation totally unsupported by facts.
Korn, Gessen, and Ragona also continue to accuse the old Radio Liberty team of being unqualified to do digital media despite clear evidence that the fired journalists are far more experienced in digital media than Gessen’s new team. The old team, which included many multimedia specialists, had greatly increased the number of site visitors and won awards for their online reporting.

Many headlines in Russian media on December 25 suggest that Korn was fired or asked to resign for destroying Radio Liberty’s Russian Service team in Moscow. The old Internet team has recently won a Sakharov human rights journalism award for online reporting done by its members before their dismissal in September. They were replaced by Gessen and her associates, many of whom — according to Russian media reports — lack political news reporting skills and multimedia experience.
Gessen declared the Sakharov human rights journalism awards to be “a low-profile event in Russia” and refused to cover it while continuing to fill the Radio Liberty home page with feature stories, such as romantic escapades of a university professor from the United States who traveled to Argentina to meet an attractive woman he got acquainted with online. The story, which was already weeks old when it was posted by Radio Liberty, stayed on the home page for many days, while some current important political news stories were not covered or reported on with considerable delays.
Ms. Gessen should truly be ashamed of herself for saying that a journalistic award named after Dr. Andrei Sakharov, one of the greatest fighters for human rights in the Soviet Union, is a low-profile event in a country where independent journalists are routinely murdered, arrested, intimidated, and threatened with libel lawsuits. By refusing to cover these awards, Ms. Gessen helped President Putin and his state-controlled media to marginalize the Sakharov awards even further. Indeed, she helped Putin to make it a lower-profile event that it otherwise would have been. This, no doubt, made Putin happy, but BBG members and American taxpayers, who pay Gessen’s $200,000 salary and housing allowance in Moscow, perhaps less so. What a shame that Ms. Gessen believes that sexual adventures of a university professor from America are more important for the Russians to know about than journalism in defense of human rights.

Many headlines point out that Korn was fired or asked to resign for destroying the Russian Service of Radio Liberty, but some also blame Masha Gessen.
Many reports also note that Gessen’s redesigned Radio Liberty has lost a large number of visitors. Gessen has also lost website visitors for her previous employer and had a spotty employment record, but Korn assured BBG members that she was by far the best qualified and the best language-service director in the entire history of RFE/RL — a completely false and misleading claim.
Moskovskie Vedomosti headline says: Masha Gessen expertly ruined Washington’s propaganda horn: President of Radio Liberty dismissed. Маша Гессен мастерски развалила пропагандитский рупор Вашингтона: уволен президент радиостанции «Свобода».
RBK headline says: Masha Gessen destroyed Moscow team of Radio Liberty. Маша Гессен развалила московскую редакцию радио “Свобода”.
Gessen continues to deny that she had anything to do with the mass firings, which happened late September 2012 after her appointment was announced but before she officially came on board on October 1, 2012. She told Izvestia that while she worked for Korn as a consultant in 2012, her “consultancy was not related to personnel matters.” She had previously accused independent Russian journalists of slander for suggesting that she may have had a role in the dismissals to allow her to bring on board her own friends and associates. Among those fired by RFE/RL were fully qualified employees with disabilities. Slander was made a criminal offense in Putin’s Russia and the law is seen as an attempt by the Kremlin to silence free media.
Anybody who had known about Steven Korn’s mad plan to fire most of Radio Liberty Moscow staff and went along with it — and Gessen had to know about it beforehand if she had not actually suggested or demanded it herself, something she denies — makes such a person just as dangerous as a manager at a public U.S. institution like RFE/RL as Mr. Korn, Ms. Ragona, and Mr. Cohen have turned out to be. The idea that Gessen did not know in advance about the firing plan and had nothing to do with it just does not sound plausible to Russian media or anybody else despite her accusations of slander against independent Russian journalists. And of course, Steven Korn, Julia Ragona, and Dale Cohen defend their actions in Moscow even now.
Latest Russian Media Reports on Radio Liberty Crisis, December 25
U.S. Media Reports on Radio Liberty Crisis, Dec. 24-25, 2012
Russian and International Media on Radio Liberty Crisis, Updated Dec. 25, 2012
Uvolennaia iz-za zhuravlei zhurnalistka nashla novuiu rabotu. Masha Gessen, uvolennaia s posta glavreda “Vokrug sveta” iz-za otkaza osveshchat’ poleta Putina so sterkhami, stala direktorom Russkoi sluzhby “Radio Svoboda, NTV, September 14, 2012
Mashu Gessen naznachili direktorom Radio Svoboda,, September 14, 2012
Ol’ga Kuz’menkova, Zhuravlem na “Svobodu”. Masha Gessen o novoi rabote na radio “Svoboda” i vstreche s Vladimirom Putinym,, September 14, 2012
Masha Gessen nashla novuiu rabotu. Zhurnalistka, uvolennaia s posta glavnogo redaktora zhurnala “Vokrug sveta”, naznachena direktorom “Radio Svoboda,” Chastnyi korrespondent, September 14, 2012
Redaktor saita “Radio Svoboda” soobshchila ob uvol’nenii vsei internet-redaktsii,, September 15, 2012
Radio Liberty Hires Gessen, Moscow Times, September 17, 2012
Mudryi rukovoditel’, Novoe vremia, September 17, 2012
Nataliia Rostova, Masha Gessen: “Mne nadoelo uvol’niatsia so skandalom,” Slon, September 17, 2012
Predstaviteli internet-redaktsii “Radio Svoboda” zaiavili o massovykh uvol’neniiakh, Interfax, September 20,2012, Argumenty i fakty, September 21, 2012
Masha Gessen uvolila internet-redaktsiiu Radio Svoboda,, September, 20, 2012
Masha Gessen i medvedi, Takie novosti, September 21, 2012
Uvolena vsia internet-redaltsiia radio “Svoboda”. Gessen zaiavliaet, chto eto ne ee reshenie,, September 20, 2012
Novyi skandal razgoraetsia v otechestvennoi media-sfere, Ekho Moskvy, September, 20, 2012
Radio “Svoboda” prekratit veshchanie v efire s noiabria, BBC Russian Service, September 21, 2012
Andrei Arkhipov, Masha Gessen na “Radio Svoboda” ostalas’ bez sotrudnikov i efira,, September 21, 2012
Mikhail Koblents, Masha Gessen uvolila internet-redaktsiiu “Radio Svoboda”, Vecherniaia Moskva, September 21, 2012
Masha Gesssen obeshchaet sokhranit’ redaktsionnuiu politiku “Svobody”, Aktual’nye kommentarii,September 21, 2012
Agha Iqrar Haroon, US-Based Radio Liberty Gone with the Wind in Russia, ETN Global Travel and Industry News, September 21, 2012
Iz radioefira v Rossii s 10 noiabria izcheznet radiostantsiia “Svoboda,” Den’ [Ekho Moskvy], September 21, 2012
Radio Liberty to Stop Medium-Wave Broadcasts on November 10, Kyiv Post, September 21, 2012
Masha Gessen obvinila vo lzhi uvolennuiu sotrudnitsu radio “Svoboda”: Menia tam ne bylo, NEWSru, September 21, 2012
Ia ne somnevaius’ v priniatykh resheniiakh,, September 21, 2012
Ekaterina Kirillova, Masha Gessen ne priznaetsia v uvol’nenii internet-redaktsii radio “Svoboda,”Moskovskii Komsomolets, September 21, 2012
Aleksandr Polivanov, Vse svobodny. Kak izmenilis’ “vrazheskie golosa” v Rossii,, September 21, 2012
Mikhail Koblents, Masha Gessen ne uvol’niala, a tol’ko rekomendovala uvolit’ internet-redaktsiiu,Vecherniaia Moskva, September 21. 2012
“Ekho Moskvy priiutit ostavshikhsia bez raboty zhurnalistov so “Svobody,”, September 21, 2012
Uvolennye sotrudniki “Radio Svoboda” mogut poluchit’ rabotu na “Ekho Moskvy”, Diversant, September 21, 2012
“Radio Svoboda” pereidet na internet-veshchanie,, September 21, 2012
Ol’ga Alisova, “Radio Svoboda” budet vykhodit’ tol’ko v internete, Slon, September 21, 2012
Uvoleny vse sotrudniki internet-redaktsii “Radio Svoboda,” Vzgliad, September 21, 2012
“Svobodu” zachistili pod Gessen,, September 22, 2012
Direktorstvo Gessen na radio “Svoboda” nachalos’ so skandala,, September 22, 2012
Liudmila Telen’, Ubiistvo po alfavitu, Novaia Gazeta, September 22, 2012
Newly-Selected Director of Radio Liberty Russian Service Masha Gessen Will be Target of KGB-Style Pressure Campaign, BBG Watch, September 23, 2012
Grigorii Omskii, Chto proiskhodit na radio “Svoboda”: interv’iu s sotrudnikom stantsii, Newsland, September 24, 2012
Daniel Greenfield, Obama Shuts Down Radio Liberty, FrontPage Magazine, September 24, 2012
Elena Rykovtseva, O daite, daite mne “Svobodu”, ili Zhuravli prileteli, Novaia Gazeta, September 24, 2012
Masha Gessen razognala internet-redaktsiu Radio Svoboda. Zhurnalisty radiostantsii v shoke ot novogo gendirektora, Novosibirsk-News, September 24, 2012
Pochemu byli uvoleny sotrudnki “Radio Svoboda,” Open Media News, September 24, 2012
Viktor Shenderovich, Peizazh s podrobnostiami, Ezhednevnyi Zhurnal, September 25, 2012
Jonathan Earle, Kicked Off Airwaves, Radio Liberty Rethinks Strategy, Moscow Times, September 25, 2012
Russia: tolte le frequenze a Radio Liberty, licenziati 40 giornalisti, Libero, September 25, 2012
Mumin Shakirov, The End of “Liberty,” Open Democracy, September 26, 2012
East European Journalist Defends Russian Broadcasters Fired by Radio Liberty, BBG Watch, September 26, 2012
Aleksandr Rylkin, Nasha lozhechka-degtia, Ezhednevyi Zhurnal, September 26, 2012
Lyudmila Alekseeva, Sergei Kovalyov, Vladimir Bukovsky, Tatiana Yankelevich, Pavel Litvinov, Aleksei Simonov, Lev Ponomarev, To [the US Senate Committee on Foreing Relations], US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senator Benjamin Cardin, EuropaRussia, September 27, 2012
Vladimir Kara-Murza, Putin Critics Slam “Ludicrous Reset” as US Silences Radio Liberty, World Affairs, September 27, 2012
Aleksandr Morozov, Mozhet li Kreml’ teper’ zabyt’ o radio “Svoboda,” Forbes, September 27, 2012
Pravozashchitniki pozhalovalis’ na Mashu Gessen v Kongress SShA. Liudmila Alekseeva, Lev Ponomarev, Sergei Kovalev i drugie prosiat vernut’ v efir radio “Svoboda,”, Snob, September 27, 2012
Pravozashchitniki prosiat peresmotret’ reshenie o zakrytii radio”Svoboda,” RIA Novosti, September 27, 2012
Rights Activists Ask US not to Stop Radio Liberty Broadcasts in Russia, Kyiv Post, September 27, 2012
Viktor Toporov, Za nashu i vashu “Svobodu.” Nekrolog legendarnomu radio, Svobodnaia pressa, September 27, 2012
Rossiiskie pravozashchitniki prosiat Kongress SShA vernut’ Radio “Svoboda” v prezhnem vide, Censor, September 28, 2012
Mikhail Sokolov, O shchast’e byt’ svobodnym,, September 28, 2012
Elena Vlasenko, Iconic Radio Free Europe Moscow Bureau Shot by Both Sides, UNCUT. Free Speech on the Frontline, September 28, 2012
Once Upon a Time There Was Radio Liberty, BBG Watch, September 28, 2120
Andrei Gerasimov, zav. Kafedroi med. Informatiki I statistiki Pervogo moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta im. I.M. Sechenova, d.f-m.n., Kak Masha Gessen razognala russkuiu redaktsiiu “Radio Svobody,” Rospisatel’, [September 29, 2012]
The Committee for US International Broadcasting Condemns Crippling of Radio Liberty in Russia, CUSIB, October 1, 2012
Masha Gessen: “Svoboda” dolzhna delat’ to, chto ne delaiut drugie, Argumenty i fakty, October 1, 2012
Former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov Appeals to the Broadcasting Board of Governors over Mass- Firing of Radio Liberty Journalists, BBG Watch, October 1, 2012
Lev Roitman, Reset at Radio Liberty Russia – Never Attribute to Malice That which is Adequately Explained by Stupidity, BBG Watch, October 1, 2012
Gorbachev vstupilsia za uvolennykh so ”Svobody” zhurnalistov, Interfax, October 2, 2012
Vladimir Ryzhkov, Obama Caves in to Kremlin Repression, The Moscow Times, October 2, 2012
Vladimir Milov, Desperate Political Idiocy,, October 2, 2012
Breaking News: Gorbachev, Other Russian Opposition Leaders Defend Fired Radio Liberty Journalists, Criticize US Management and Obama Administration, BBG Watch, October 2, 2012
Obama Knifes the Radio Liberty Baby, Dying Russia, October 2, 2012
Mario Corti, Former Radio Liberty Russia Service Director Mario Corti – RFER/RL Management Turns Radio Listeners And Visitor to its Website in Russia into Anti-Americans, BBG Watch, October 3, 2012
Reputatsionnaia torpedo v bok “Radio Svoboda.” O nekotorykh smyslakh, kotorye voznikli po khodu rassuzhdenij o sud’be radio “Svoboda”, Chastnyi korrespondent, October 3, 2012
Nataliia Rostova, Sokolov pro “Radio Svoboda”: “Ne tak uzh eto i slozhno – ukazy prezidenta pisat’,” Slon, October 3, 2012
Nataliia Rostova, Chto proiskhodit so “Svobodoi”, ili Washington ne vykhodit na sviaz’, Slon, October 3, 2012
Aleksandr Artem’ev, Aleksei Zaitsev, “Putinskii rezhim po svoei prirode ne mozhet stat’ luchshe.” Zakrytie radio “Svoboda bylo biurokraticheskoi glupost’iu, vpisyvaiushcheisia v logiku politiki ustupok Moskve, uveren professor Satter,, October 5, 2012
Special Operation at Radio Liberty, Part One, BBG Watch, October 5, 2012
Special Operation at Radio Liberty, Part Two, BBG Watch, October 6, 2012
Dismissed Radio Liberty Moscow Journalists Ask CUSIB to Present Their Appeal to US Administration,CUSIB, October 8, 2012
Moscow Protest Over Radio Liberty Staff Cuts, Euronews, October 8, 2012
Mario Corti, “Radio Svoboda”: zhurnalisty protiv biurokratov. Byvshii direktor Russkoi sluzhby Mario Corti o reformirovanii radiostantsii, ee prichinakh i sledstviiakh, Colta, October 8, 2012
U posol’stva SShA ustroili piket v podderzhku Radio “Svoboda,”, October 9, 2012
Tatiana Yankelevich, Digging an Early Grave for Radio Liberty, Moscow Times. October 9, 2012, The St.Petersburg Times, October 10, 2012
CUSIB Joins the Rally Cry for Radio Liberty Supporters, CUSIB, October 10, 2012
Blanquita Cullum, Stiffling Free Speech Abroad, The Washington Times, October 10, 2012
CUSIB Applauds Former BBG Blanquita Cullum’s Statement on Radio Liberty Crisis, CUSIB, October 12, 2012
Kirill Filimonov, Radio Libety Firings Gut Moscow Office. Russians Left with State-Run Media, The Washington Times, October 12, 2012
Viktor Shenderovich on the Recent Changes at Radio Liberty [Introduction and Translation by Martin Dewhirst], Human Rights in Russia, October 14, 2012
Adam Kredo, US to End Pro-Democracy Broadcasts in Russia, The Washington Free Beacon, October 15, 2012
Adam Kredo in The Washington Free Beacon on the End of American Radio Liberty Broadcasts in Russia,The Wall Street Journal, October 15, 2012
Henry J. Reske, Obama Ends Radio Liberty Broadcasts in Russia, Newsmax, October 15, 2012
Nataliia Rostova, “Radio Svoboda”. Epilog: My posmotrim, chto delat’ s nazvaniem, Slon, October 15, 2012
Steve Korn, New Radio Liberty to Carry Out its Old Mission, Moscow Times, October 16, 2012
Heritage Foundation Scholar [Helle Dale] Calls for Return to Work of Fired Radio Liberty Journalists,BBG Watch, October 16, 2012
Corey Flintoff, Radio Liberty to Stop AM Radio Broadcasts in Russia, NPR, October 18, 2012
Aleksei Pankin, Radio “Svoboda” ob-iavliaet voinu Rossii, Komsomol’skaia Pravda, October 18, 2012
Putin Wins: Obama Shutting Down US Pro-Democracy Radio Broadcasts in Russia, Before It’s News, October 19, 2012
George Rasley, Obama Caves to Putin, Abandons Reagan’s Radio Liberty, Massteaparty, October 20, 2012
Nikolaus von Twickel, Radio Liberty Hiring New Team, Executive Says, Moscow Times, October 22, 2012
Mario Corti & Ted Lipien, Silenced by Washington. Mass Firings Have Ended the Distinguished History of Radio Liberty in Russia, National Review, October 23, 2012
BBG Governor Victor Ashe Sees a Meltdown at Radio Liberty in Moscow, BBG Watch, October 23, 2012
Maksim Istomin, “Radio Svoboda” ukhodit iz Rossii, no obeshchaet vernut’sia, CNews, October 24, 2012
Natalia Raibman, Rukovodstvo radio “Svoboda” otritsaet obvineniia v “predatel’stve idealov demokratii,”Vedomosti, October 29, 2012
Prezident “Radio Svoboda” vstretilsia s uvolennymi sotrudnikami,, October 29. 2012
Margarita Zhuravleva, Glava “Svobody” prishel k pravozashchitnikam, uvolennye zhurnalisty ustroili piket,TVRAIN, October 29. 2012
Uvolennye sotrudniki “Radio Svoboda” i pravozashchitniki vstretilis’ s prezidentom radiostantsii,, October 30, 2012
Nina Somina, “Radio Svoboda” ob-edinit Moskvu i Pragu, Lenizdat, October 31, 2012
Anastasia Kirilenko, Why I am Leaving the New Radio Liberty in Russia, Courrier International, November 1, 2012
Tom Woods, US Still Needs Radio for Public Diplomacy in the Internet Age, World Politics Review, November 2, 2012
Ivan Kovalev, Prosto Kino,, November 4, 2012
Anastasia Kirilenko, The Death of Radio Liberty, Open Democracy, November 5, 2012
Michael Binyon, Voice of Liberty Falls Silent after 60 Years, The Times, November 5, 2012
Russia Returns to Stricter Control, Stratfor, November 5, 2012
Maksim Artem’ev, Svobodno o “svobode”. Semeinaia ssora, gde net ni pravykh, ni vinovatykh, Chastnyi korrespondent , November 6, 2012
Kristina Gorelik, Radio Liberty Making Waves: Have no Lessons from the Past Being Learnt? OpenDemocracy, November 7, 2012
Marina Timasheva, Khoziaeva i lakei. Otvet na kolonku Maksima Artem’eva, Chastnyi korrespondent, November 8, 2012
Svoboda meniaet orientatsiiu. Washington malo volnuet sud’ba otsluzhivshilh svoe ego apologetov, Stoletie, November 9, 2012
Radio “Svoboda” prekratilo veshchanie na srednikh volnakh, RBK, November 10, 2012
Ol’ga Khotimskaia, Radio “Svoboda” ushlo v internet, Vecherniaia Moskva, November 10, 2012
Radio Liberty Ends Russia Broadcasts, Euronews, November 10, 2012
Anastasia Kirilenko, Research from Putin’s Pollster in Chechnya Used to Silence Radio Liberty, Courrier International, November 10, 2012
Research from Putin’s Pollster in Chechnya Used to Silence Radio Liberty, Former RL Journalist [Anastasia Kirilenko] Reports, BBG Watch, November 11, 2012
President of Radio Liberty: We Are Going Forward, so You Are Either on the Train, or off the Train, and I don’t Care, Courrier International, November 11, 2012
James Joiner Gardner, Radio Liberty Ends Russia Broadcasts as Putin Sitfles Democracy, Beforeitsnews, November 12, 2012
Victor Ashe, VOA’s Broadcasting Board of Governors is not Fulfilling its Duties, US News and World Report, November 12, 2012
Nina Somina, Masha Gessen – o novykh proektakh “Radio Svoboda,” Lenizdat, November 12, 2012
Masha Karp, The Radiant Digital Future, Human Rights in Russia, November 13, 2012
Ol’ga Saburova, “Zakrytie Radio Svoboda – podarok putinskomu rezhimu” [an interview with Mikhail Sokolov], Sobesednik №42, November 13, 2012
“Radio Svoboda” proinstruktirovalo regiony, Lenizdat, November 13, 2012
Kristina Gorelik, In Russia, a Vital Link Severed, TOL, November 14, 2012
Radio Svoboda potesnili iz rossiiskogo efira v internet, Sankei Shinbun, November 15, 2012
RFE/RL President Korn Refuses to Provide Information to BBG Committee on Masha Gessen and his Trip to Moscow, BBG Watch, November 16, 2012
Uvolennye sotrudniki “Radio Svoboda” otkryli svoi sait,, November 19, 2012
V internete poiavilos’ “Radio Svoboda v izgnanii,” Interfax, November 19, 2012
Uvolennye zhurnalisty “Radio Svoboda” sozdali svoi sait, News, Armenia, November 19, 2012
V internete poiavilsia sait “Radio Svoboda v izgnanii,” Soiuz zhurnalistov, SPb, November 19, 2012
Zhurnalisty “Radio Svoboda” zapustili sait, posviashchennyi razgonu redaktsii, Jourdom, November 19, 2012
Uvolennye s radio” Svoboda” zhurnalisty zapustili novostnoi sait “Radio Svoboda v izgnanii,”, November 19, 2012
Byvshie sotrudniki “Radio Svoboda” otkryli “Radio Svoboda v izgnanii,” Slon, November 19, 2012
Uvolennye sotrudniki “Radio Svoboda” otkryli svoi proekt, Den’, Kiev, November 19, 2012
Uvolennye sotrudniki “Radio Svoboda” otkryli svoi sobstvennyi sait – SvobodaNew v izgnanii, Censor,November 19, 2012
“Radio Svoboda” razdvoilos’. Sotrudniki Russkoi sluzhby “Radio Svoboda,” uvolennye v sentiabre posle smeny rukovodstva, otkryli sobstvennyi sait – “SvobodaNew – Radio Svoboda v izgnanii,” Colta, November 19, 2012
Russia Expert David Satter Offers Scathing Criticism of RFE/RL President Steven Korn, BBG Watch, November 19, 2012
Mikhail Sokolov, Negativnaia otsenka Gorbachevym pogroma moskovskogo biuro Radio Svoboda ne izmenilas’, SvobodaNew, [November 19, 2012]
Korn Cleans out the Nest, Minding Russia, November 19, 2012
Uvolennye sotrudniki “Radio Svoboda” otkryli novyi sait, Argumenty i fakty, November 20, 2012
Ne vynesia “Vokrug sveta”, Gessen uronila Svobodu, SvobodaNew, [November 20, 2012]
Russian Human Rights Leaders Issue a Second Letter Denouncing RFE/RL President Korn, Ask Secretary Clinton and Congress to Intervene, BBG Watch, November 21, 2012
Valentina Zorina, Kuda propalo radio “Svoboda,” TV-GID, №13, November 21, 2012
Prezident Radio Svoboda Steve Korn vnov’ otkazyvaetsia otvechat’ na ostrye voprosy, SvobodaNew, November 22, 2012
Dar’ia Fazletdinova, Svoboda v izgnanii:” eks’sotrudniki radiostantsii kritikuiut politiku Mashi Gessen,Lenizdat, November 22, 2012
“Svoboda v izgnanii:” eks-sotrudniki radiostantsii kritikuiut politiku Mashi Gessen, Internews, Kazakhstan, November 23, 2012
Sergei Korzun, SMI XXI vek: Glavnyi redaktor gazety “Sovershenno sekretno” Liudmila Telen’, OnlineTV, November 23, 2012
Adéla Dražanova, Umírá Rádio Svoboda, Dnes, November 23, 2012, p.14
Former Editor Ludmila Telen’ Pained by Catastrophic Audience Drop for Radio Liberty’s Russian Website,BBG Watch, November 24, 2012
Former Editor Ludmila Telen’ Pained by Catastrophic Audience Drop for Radio Liberty’s Russian Website,John Brown’s Public Diplomacy Press and Blog Review, November 24, 2012
Mikhail Sokolov: “Menedzhery radio “Svoboda” vzbesivshiesia biurokraty,” Argumenty i fakty,,, November 25, 2012
Alsou Taheri, From Radio Liberty to “Radio Gessen” – Milestones of the Road-Map November, BBG Watch,26, 2012
Liudmila Kuz’mina, coordinator Assotsiatsii v zashchitu prav izbiratelei, Utracheno radio kolossal’nogo resursa, SvobodaNew, November 27, 2012
Lev Roitman, Rassledovanie deiatel’nosti Stiva Korna na postu prezidenta Radio Svoboda. Khodataistvo o rassledovanii soobshchenii o sluzhebnykh narusheniiakh i veroiatnom razbazarivanii sredstv Radio Svobodnaia Evropa/Radio Svoboda (RSE/RS) prezidentom I ispolnitel’nym direktorom radiostantsii Stivenom Kornom, SvobodaNew, November 27, 2012
Breaking News – Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty Board Plan to Hear Directly from Fired Radio Liberty Journalists, BBG Watch, November 28, 2012
Andrei Korolev, Stiv Korn – kak filosofiia obuvshchika, SvobodaNew, November 28, 201
Alexander Goldfarb, Molchanie Mashi Gessen, Snob, December, 1, 2012
Former RFE/RL News DIrector Terry Willey Comments on Dismissal of Radio Liberty journalists, BBG Watch, December 3, 2012
Sobytie nedeli. Opredeleny finalisty premii imeni A.Sakharova “Za zhurnalistiku kak postupok” [including Andrei Sakharov Award for “Journalism as an Act of Conscience “ finalist Elena Vlasenko, fired by Radio Liberty on September 2012], Fond Zashchity Glasnosti, December 12, 2012
Otrkytoe pis’mo prezidentu Stivu Kornu, SvobodaNew, December 4, 2012
Masha Gessen, Zachem nado bylo reformirovat “Svobodu” [Otvet Aleksandru Goldfarbu], BestToday, December 4, 2012
Masha Gessen rasskazala o reforme “Radio Svoboda,” Lenta, The Times News, Radio Portal, Lenizdat,Newsland, Irsolo, TheTimesNews, Rambler,, December 4, 2012
Masha Gessen raz-iasnila kakuiu politiku budet vesti obvnovlennoe “Radio Svoboda,” Nakanune.TV,December 4, 2012
Gessen: radio “Svoboda” sosredotochitsia na analitike, RIA Novosti, News2World, December 4, 2012
Radio Gessen prevrashchaetsia v reklamnuiu kontoru? SvobodaNew, December 4, 2012
December 4, Otvet Mashi Gessen, Snob, December 4, 2012
Radio Liberty Russia Website Stops Showing Number of Visitors to Hide Precipitous Decline, BBG Watch, December 5, 2012
Open Letter to RFE/RL President Korn Urging Fair Treatment of Employees with Disabilities, BBG Watch, December 5, 2012
Never Use a Gadget That’s Smarter Than You – RFE/RL President Steven Korn Embarrased by His Email,BBG Watch, December 6, 2012
Dzhurnalist Khadzhimurad Kamalov posmertno nagrazhden premiei imeni A. Sakharova [also on AndreiSakharov Award for “Journalism as an Act of Conscience” finalist Elena Vlasenko, fired by Radio Liberty on September 2012], Jourdom, December 6, 2012
Event of the Week. Jury of Andrei Sakharov Competition “Journalism as an Act of Conscience Names Finalists [among them Elena Vlasenko, fired by Radio Liberty on September 2012], Glasnost Defence Foundation, December 7, 2012
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty is Starting to Look More like Playboy and National Enquirer, BBG Watch, December 8, 2012
K slushaniiam v Kongresse. Sravnim saity RFE/RL na russkom i dr. iazykakh, ishchem kompromat na Korna I Ragonu, Rossiia bez Putina, December 8, 2012
Mikhail Sokolov, Marina Timasheva, “Svoboda nad propast’iu… i vo lzhi”, SvobodaNew, December 8, 2012
Razgon radio “Svoboda”. Mnenie eksperta, KP, December 8, 2012
Alexander Goldfarb, Korruptsiia Mashi Gessen [an Introduction to] Mikhail Sokolov, Marina TImasheva,Radio Svoboda nad propast’iu… i vo lzhi, Snob, December 9, 2012
Politzek S.Mokhnatkin nagrazhden za zashchitu prav cheloveka [also on Kristina Gorelik, fired by Radio Liberty on September 2012, being awarded the Moscow Helsinki Group prize for “journalistic activity aimed at promoting human rights values], RBK, December 10, 2012
Sergei Mokhnatkin poluchil premiiu za zashchitu prav cheloveka cheloveka [also on Kristina Gorelik, fired by Radio Liberty on September 2012, being awarded the Moscow Helsinki Group prize for “journalistic activity aimed at promoting human rights values], Lenta, December 10, 2012
Iurii Shvevchuk otdal svoi golos za svobodu. Moskovskaia Khelsinkskaia Gruppa vruchila premii bortsa za prava cheloveka cheloveka [also on Kristina Gorelik, fired by Radio Liberty on September 2012, being awarded the Moscow Helsinki Group prize for “journalistic activity aimed at promoting human rights values],Moskovskii Komsomolets, December 10, 2012
Vruchenie premii MKhG v oblasti zashchity prav cheloveka za 2012 god sostoialos’ v Moskve [also on Kristina Gorelik, fired by Radio Liberty on September 2012, being awarded the Moscow Helsinki Group prize for “journalistic activity aimed at promoting human rights values], Vestnik Civitas, December 10, 2012
Laureat premii “Za zhurnalistiku kak postupok” Kristina Gorelik – o pravozashchitnoi zhurnalistike, Radio Svoboda, December 10, 2012
Fired Radio Liberty Reporter Kristina Gorelik Receives Moscow Helsinki Group Journalism Prize, BBG Watch, Blogger News Network, December 10, 2012
Uvolennaia s Radio Svoboda Kristina Gorelik segodnia poluchila premiiu Khel’sinkskoi gruppy! Pozdravliaem kollegu! SvobodaNew, December 10, 2012
CUSIB Congratulates Moscow Helsinki Group Prize Recipient Kristina Gorelik, BBG Watch, December 11, 2012
Peterburgskoe biuro “Svobody” budet zakryto do kontsa dekabria, Pressing, December 11, 2012
Sex and Drugs Trump Human Rights on New Russian Home Oage of Radio Liberty, BBG Watch, December 11, 2012
IBB Executives Travel Abroad, Pay no Attention as RFE/RL Crisis Deepens and Audiences Decline, BBG Watch, December 12, 2012
Radio Liberty Disappears from Most Cited Radios Lists in Russia, BBG Watch, December 13, 2012
Lev Roitman, Resign for Public Benefit and Personal Dignity, Orer (English), Orer (Russian), December 13, 2012
RFE/RL Management’s Strained Relations with Czech Employees, BBG Watch, December 13, 2012
Russian and International Media on Radio Liberty Crisis, Dec. 12, 2012, BBG Watch, December 13, 2012
Freedom House President David Kramer Highly Critical of Steven Korn’s Leadership at RFE/RL, BBG Watch, December 14, 2012
Radio Liberty in Exile Journalists Sent Their Comments and Analysis to BBG Members, BBG Watch, December 14, 2012
New RFE/RL Russian Director Says News Focus “Was a Mistake”, and that the station will move to “analytical materials,” Kim Elliot, December 14, 2012
Ariel Cohen, Helle C. Dale, How to Save Radio Liberty, The Heritage Foundation, December 14, 2012, The Cutting Edge News, December 23, 2012
BBG to Initiate Review of Radio Liberty Moscow Events, BBG Watch, December 14, 2012
CUSIB Executive Director Ann Noonan Speaks at BBG Meeting, Demands Reinstatement of Fired Radio Liberty Journalists, BBG Watch, December 15, 2012
Radio “Svoboda” proveriat posle kritiki Freedom House, BBC, December 15, 2012
Freedom House raskritikovala rukovodstvo Russkoi sluzhby “Radio Svoboda”, Lenta, December 15, 2012
Freedom House: president radio “Svoboda” navredil SMI bol’she, chem Putin, Gazeta, December 15, 2012
Freedom House: glava “Radio Svoboda” navredil bol’she, chem Putin”, Vedomosti, December 15, 2012
Sovet po veshchaniiu pri pravitel’stve SShA proverit effektivnost’ raboty Russkoi sluzhby radio “Svoboda”,Ekho Moskvy, December 15, 2012
What Future Holds for RFE/RL President Korn and his Team and for Radio Liberty? BBG Watch, December 15, 2012
Na radio Svoboda proveriat situatsiiu so svobodoi slova, Argumenty i fakty, December 15, 2012
Svara vokrug russkoi redaktsii “Radio Svoboda”, ishchut vinovnykh v rezkom sokrashchenii ee auditorii,News, December 15, 2012
K Russskoi sluzhbe Radio Svobody edet revizor, BFM, December 15, 2012
Sovet veshchaniia SShA proverit Russkuiu redaktsiiu radio “Svobody”,, December 15, 2012
BBG to Inspect Radio Liberty Russian Service, The Voice of Russia, December 15, 2012
SShA razberutsia s kadrovoi zachistkoi na rossiiskom radio “Svoboda”, Rosbalt, December 15, 2012
Nedemokratichnoe radio “Svoboda proverit pravitel’stvo SShA”, Pravda, December 15, 2012
V SShA issleduiut reformy na Radio Svoboda, ABC News (Russian), December 15, 2012
V SShA issleduiut reformy na Radio Svoboda, OnAir, December 15, 2012
Mila Dubrovina, Skol’ko vreda ot radio “Svoboda”, PublicPost, December 15, 2012
V SShA issleduiut reformy na “Radio Svoboda”, Lenta, December 15, 2012
Steve Korn to Leave RFE/RL Within 45 Days, sources say, BBG Watch, December 16, 2012
Ariel Cohen, Helle C. Dale, Kak spasti Radio Svoboda, Inosmi, December 16, 2012
V Russkuiu redaktsiiu Radio “Svoboda” edut proveriaiushchie iz Washingtona, Russkii obozrevatel’, December 16, 2012
Masha Gessen Denies Radio Liberty Russian Service Will be Inspected, Calls it Review of the Situation in Russia, BBG Watch, December 17, 2012
Na “Svobodu” edet revizor, Segodnia, December 17, 2012
Sudite ikh po postupkam, Novaia Gazeta, December 17, 2012
V Moskve vruchili premiiu imeni Andreia Sakharova, Park Gagarina, December 17, 2012
Masha Gessen oprovergla inspektsiiu na “Radio Svoboda,” Lenta, December 17, 2012
BBG Governor Victor Ashe Challenges Claims by Masha Gessen about Radio Liberty, BBG Watch, December 17, 2012
Chlen Soveta BBG Victor Ashe oprovergaet zaiavleniia Mashi Gessen rossiiskim SMI, Novaia Svoboda, December 18, 2012
RFE/RL Executives Claim Strong BBG Support, Ignore Reports of Steven Korn’s Imminent Departure, BBG Watch, December 18, 2012
Mediasobytiia goda v Rossii (po versii Medialogii),, December 18, 2012
Amerikanskii reguliator podtverdil inspektsiiu na “Radio Svoboda,” Lenta, The Times News, December 18, 2012
Sokolov: situatsiia s “Radio Svoboda” v Rossii ‘ bol’shoi podarok Putinu, Delfi, December 18, 2012
V Amerike tozhe rukovodiat idioty. Seichas eto osobenno vidno, Stringer, December 18, 2012
Randy J. Stine, RFE/RL Ends Radio Svoboda on AM, Radio World, December 19, 2012
Randy J. Stine, Some Condemn RFE/RL for Layoffs, Radio World, December 19, 2012
BBG Member Counters Masha Gessen’s Spin on Radio Liberty in Russian Media, BBG Watch, December 19, 2012
Reviziia “Svobody”, Novaia Gazeta, December 19, 2012
Inspektsiia na “Radio Svoboda” sostoitsia, Lenizdat, December 19, 2012
V SShA rassleduiut reformy na “Radio Svoboda,” FastWorldNews, December 19, 2012
Inspektsiia na “Radio Svoboda” sostoitsia, Nedelia, Bezformata, December 19, 2012
Radio – eto ne obuvnaia fabrika [an Interview with David Satter], Novaia Gazeta, December 19, 2012
From Prague and Moscow: Helsinki Organizations Appeal to Lech Walesa: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Should be Saved, Orer. Armenian European Magazin “Days,” December 19, 2012
Elena Klimenko, Inspektsiia iz SShA provedet polnyui audit deiatel’nosti “Radio Svoboda,” Birzhevoi Lider, December 19, 2012
Obrashcheniia Khelsinkskikh grupp iz Pragi Moskvy k Lechu Valense: Spasti ot gibeli Radio Svobodnaia Evropa/Radio Svoboda, Orer, December 19, 2012, Novaia Svoboda, December 20, 2012
Broadcasting Board of Governors – Information War lost – Russia Reviewed, BBG Watch, December 20, 2012
Gessens’ Attacks on Radio Liberty’s American Supporters Bring More Negative Russian Media Coverage,BBG Watch, December 20, 2012
Fired Radio Liberty Internet Team and its Young Reporter Elena Vlasenko Receive Sakharov Journalism Prize, BBG Watch, December 20, 2012
Khelsinkskie komitey prizvali L.Walesu zashchitit’ radio “Svoboda.”Glavy Helsinkskih komitetov Rossii i Chekhii, Liudmila Alekseeva I Anna Sabatova, obratilis’ k byvshemu Presidentu Pol’shi Lechu Walese s pros’boi takzhe podat’ svoi golos v zashchitu radio “Svoboda,” Argumenty Nedeli, Rambler, Inforotor, December 21, 2012
Heritage Foundation Aims its Bullet Points at the Radio Liberty Russian Controversy, Kimelli, December 21, 2012
Boris Pustyntsev [President of Human Rights Organization “Civic Control,”] Prakticheskii perestal slushat’ Radio Svoboda, perekliuchivshis’ na “Ekho Moskvy,” Novaia Svoboda, December 21, 2012
Freedom House President Refutes Statements from RFE/RL Officials, BBG Watch, World Media Information, December 24, 2012,
Helsinki Human Rights Leaders Appeal to Lech Walesa for Help in Defending RFE/RL Employees, BBG Watch, December 24, 2012
Judy Bachrach, Korn Fired: Meltdown at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, World Affairs, December 24, 2012
Korn Fired: Meltdown at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty by Judy Bachrach in World Affairs, BBG Watch, December 25, 2012
Steven Korn otstranen ot dolzhnosti Prezidenta “Radio Svoboda”, Lenta, Baltinfo, MediaBusiness,Jourdom, Nakanune, December 25, 2012
Prezident radiostantsii “Svoboda” Steven Korn uvolen posle razvala moskovskoi redaktsii, ITAR-TASS, December 25, 2012
Prezident radio “Svoboda” uvolen posle razvala moskovskoi redaktsii, Torontovka, December 25, 2012
Prezidenta radio “Svoboda” uvolili iz-za razvala moskovskoi redaktsii,, December 25, 2012
Prezidenta “Radio Svoboda otpravliaiut v svobodnoe plavan’e, UralInformBiuro, December 25, 2012
Prezident “Radio Svoboda” Steven Korn uvolen iz’za nekompetentnosti, Ca-News, December 25, 2012
Prezidenta “Radio Svoboda otpravliaiut v otstavku za razval Moskovskoi redaktsii, Obshchaia Gazeta, December 25, 2012
Prezident “Radio Svoboda” uvolen so svoego posta, Kommersant, December 25, 2012
Glava radio “Svoboda” uvolen iz-za razvala moskovskoi redaktsii, Vzgliad, December 25, 2012
Pavel Makeev, Przident “Radio Svoboda” otstranen ot dolzhnosti, Snob, December 25, 2012
Amerikanskie chinovniki uvol’niaiut direktora “Radio Svoboda” za razval redaktsii, RT, December 25, 2012
Prezident radio “Svoboda” pokinet svoi post posle razvala Russkoi sluzhby, Forbes, December 25, 2012
Uvolen prezident radio “Svoboda”, Russia, December 25, 2012
Prezidenta radio “Svoboda” sniali s dolzhnosti, Rosbalt, December 25, 2012
Prezident radio “Svoboda” Steven Korn otstranen ot dolzhnosti, RIA Novosti, Stringer, Korrespondent,December 25, 2012
SShA: Masha Gessen razvalila moskovskuiu redaktsiiu radio “Svoboda”, RBK, December 25, 2012
Direktora “Radio Svoboda” uvol’niaiut za razval redaktsii, Russia Today, December 25, 2012
Radio “Svoboda” ostalos’ bez Korna, GazetaMG, December 25, 2012
Glavu radio “Svoboda” i “Svobodnaia Evropa” uvolili Mashi Gessen, Vesti, The Times, December 21,2012
Prezidenta radio “Svoboda” uvolili za nekompetentnost’, Ridus, December 25, 2012
Ostranen ot dolzhnosti prezident radiostantsii “Svoboda”, Nezavisimaia Gazeta, December 25, 2012
Prezident Radio Svoboda otpravlen v otstavku, Dialog, December 25, 2012
Glavu radio “svoboda” otstranili ot dolzhnosti za “vopiiushchie oshibki”, Kasparov, December 25, 2012
Masha Gessen masterski razvalila propagandistskii rupor Washingtona: uvolen prezident radiostantsii “Svoboda”, Moskovskie Vedomosti, December 25, 2012
Steven Korn Fired for Destroying Russian Service of Radio Libery, Russian Media Report, BBG Watch, December 25, 2012
Byvshie sotrudniki “Svoboy” nadeiutsia na uvol’nenie Mashi Gessen posle novostei iz SShA, Dozhd’, December 25, 2012
SMI: Prezidenta “Radio Svoboda” uvol’niaiut za razval redaktsii, Business-Gazeta, December 25, 2012
ZMI: zvil’neno prezidentf “Radio Svoboda,” Ukranews, December 25, 2012
Ol’ga Artseva, Eks-sotrudniki “Svobody” shchitaiut, chto Steven Korn privel ee k mediakatastrofe,, December 25, 2012
Maria, Makutina, Radio osvobodili ot prezidenta, Gazeta, December 25, 2012
Gessen: “Steven Korn vernetsia ma rabotu posle Novogo goda.” Direktor russkoi sluzhby “Radio Svoboda” Masha Gessen – ob inspektsii v kompanii i obidakh prezhnego kollektiva redaktsii, Izvestiia, December 25, 2012