BBG Watch

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) confirmed that the paperwork and hiring process for John Lansing to be BBG director and CEO has been completed to allow him to start work on Monday, September 14. He was sworn in at a ceremonial event held Thursday at the BBG headquarters in Washington. The swearing-in was attended by his family and BBG staff. BBG chairman Jeff Shell was able to be in Washington to welcome John Lansing, BBG spokesperson wrote in an email.

According to sources, John Lansing’s contract with his current employer requires a minimum departure notification which will be satisfied on Friday, September 11. He will officially be on the BBG payroll as of Monday, September 14 and will take over official duties from interim CEO André Mendes then.

In the last several weeks, Lansing has focused on meeting and speaking to internal and external stakeholders in preparation for his service at BBG. According to sources, he will continue to have introductory meetings and briefings next week and will be in the office full-time starting the week of September 14.