BBG Watch Commentary

KerryOfficialPortraitU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is speaking in Sunday American TV interview programs about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

There is no reporting yet on his new comments by Voice of America (VOA). But Voice of Russia has already reported on Kerry’s Sunday morning comments.

UPDATE: After Voice of Russia, Al Jazeera and other media have already reported on Kerry’s Sunday morning TV comments, VOA mentioned them briefly by inserting a paragraph, fourth from the top, into an old news report about Ukraine. VOA posted no separate report on Kerry’s comments, as Voice of Russia did, and offered no online video.

VOA put a sentence (one) about Kerry on its main English news homepage only after 11:00 AM EST, but the link was not to a separate report about Kerry.

VOICE OF RUSSIA: “Russia risks losing its place in the G8 in case its stance on the Crimea remains unchanged, the US Secretary of State John Kerry said. The US Secretary of State John Kerry stated this in an interview to the American TV channels,” Voice of Russia (not Voice of America) reported. Russia may lose its place in G8 if doesn’t change its stance on Crimea – Kerry, Voice of Russia

It took VOA many hours to report on Kerry’s Saturday statement on Ukraine.

A first VOA report on his Saturday statement did not appear until Sunday morning.

Here are some tweets from the U.S. State Department on Kerry’s comments today.