BBG Watch

On Saturday, President Obama made a radio address on domestic terrorism. The Voice of America had a report.

But also earlier today, the White House made this announcement:

“On Sunday, December 6, at 8:00 pm ET, President Obama will address the nation from the Oval Office about the steps our government is taking to fulfill his highest priority: Keeping the American people safe.”

The White House announcement has not yet been noted on the Voice of America (VOA) News Homepage or in any of its news reports.

On the Voice of America Homepage, VOA English News Tweet Feed “From Our Correspondents” is showing as of 7:30 PM EST, Saturday, December 5, 2015, a 21 hour old Tweet from the UN VOA correspondent, and a day old Tweet from VOA “National Security” correspondent.

VOA Homepage Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 7.17 PM

One veteran VOA journalist observed:

“If I had received a White House email stating Obama was going to give a rare Oval Office speech (I think only his fourth) on terrorism, I would have made damn well sure it appeared immediately in the Tweet window, or SOMEWHERE on the front page.”

No mention as yet by the Voice of America, as of 7:30 PM Saturday, of Obama’s speech on Sunday.

UPDATE: A Tweet mentioning the speech appeared shortly before 7:40 PM. A VOA report, “Obama to Address Nation on Keeping Americans Safe After California Massacre” was posted at 7:51 PM.

Also worth noting: this intriguing headline on VOA’s Homepage — “State of Fear.”

As much as we tried to find evidence for it, we have not found Americans to be in a “State of Fear” or the United States being a “State of Fear.”

State of Fear | Voice of America

State of Fear Voice of America Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 7.35 PM

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