BBG Watch Commentary

Did Voice of America try to censor Greta Van Susteren, who works as a pro-bono contributor and VOA television program host, or censor Donald Trump?

For whatever reason, the Voice of America (VOA) did not include on its English-language news website,, a portion of the interview with President Trump conducted in Argentina by Greta Van Susteren. It is not clear whether it was an attempt by VOA editors to purposely eliminate a question about media and/or President Trump’s answer.

In the interview posted online, Greta Van Susteren does not identify herself as conducting the interview for the Voice of America, which for some raises questions whether President Trump had been told told that the interview was for VOA rather than for Greta Van Susteren. presented its shortened version of the Trump interview as “Highlights From VOA Contributor Greta Van Susteren’s Interview With President Trump.” As of 8:30 PM ET Friday, the VOA page with the interview highlights shows no link to a full version of the Greta-Trump Q and A.

Whether President Trump was fully briefed about the Voice of America before today’s interview is not known. In 2016, under its current Obama administration holdover director Amanda Bennett who apparently recruited Greta Van Susteren for her unpaid job at the Voice of America, VOA had translated into a foreign language and posted online a crude, obscenity-laced anti-Trump diatribe by actor Robert DeNiro, while some VOA English-language service reporters posted on Facebook memes portraying Mr. Trump as male genitals, juxtaposed Mr. Trump’s face with the Nazi swastika, and crudely lampooned not only Mr. Trump but also his wife in its 2016 “VOA Follies” spoof – something it had never been done with previous presidents, including the outgoing Obama family. Critics have said that under Bennett’s watch, VOA has reached unprecedented levels of extreme Left-wing partisanship. Greta Van Susteren had nothing to do with these antics by a group of VOA English newsroom editors and reporters.

One of VOA’s former correspondents noted that one of Greta Van Susteren’s “really strange” questions was omitted from the version of the interview posted on the website but can still be seen on the website, also managed by USAGM.

Greta’s question near end of interview:

“One last question and I’ll give you a chance to educate there, at least talk about the American media. What is it that the U.S. media collectively doesn’t understand about the economy, when you look at things that you hear [in our reporting], any thoughts about our reporting?”
Some thoughts:
First of all, throughout the entire interview she avoids any mention of what is probably the biggest current story — namely the threat that Michael Cohen’s plea deal poses to the Trump presidency. I would not be surprised to learn that there were conditions set, either by White House, or/and by VOA itself, for her to avoid any question that would set Trump off in this precious access moment with POTUS.
Her question about the media — “I’ll give you a chance to educate here” Holy sh*t. After that pandering opening, she then lumps VOA together with ALL U.S. media, and tops this off by saying “any thoughts about OUR reporting.”
That last bit is clearly a fishing expedition to see if (1) Trump actually knows who he is talking with; (2) if Trump will take the bait and come out with some tidbit praising VOA itself.
The Polygraph version is a full 11:00 minutes, which I assume was the full length, while the version that is posted on the front page of the VOA English site is 7:06, leaving out four minutes, and leaving out Greta’s really strange question about U.S. media.


The full version of the interview with President Trump can be seen on, a website run by VOA’s parent agency, the United States Agency for Global Media. It is described as a fact-checking website produced by Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The website serves as a resource for verifying the increasing volume of disinformation and misinformation being distributed and shared globally. is a fact-checking website produced by Voice of America (VOA)​ and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.


Highlights From VOA Contributor Greta Van Susteren’s Interview With President Trump

November 30, 2018 4:25 PM

Greta Van Susteren

President Donald Trump spoke to VOA contributor Greta Van Susteren in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he is taking part in the G20 Summit. Below are highlights of the interview.

Q: “Mr. President, we’re here in Argentina and the United States, Canada, and Mexico has signed a new trade agreement updating NAFTA.”

President Donald Trump: “That’s right”

Q: “Now one of the parts of it has to do with auto workers, auto parts. Is that in any way going to specifically address one of the issues the United States has with GM closing plants and 14,000 losing jobs?”

Trump: “Well it is and it’s not only that. It’s going to keep auto companies from moving. One of the things I really wanted was plants and auto companies, just in general – I mean jobs, factories – I don’t want them leaving the United States. That was very important to me, and we’re not leaving the United States. So, I think one of the strongest elements of the new – and I call it the USMCA – one of the really important things is you won’t see companies leaving once that gets signed. We have to get it through Congress and if it gets through, which I think it will, that’ll be great, and if it doesn’t we’re very happy the way it is now.”

Q: “As you call out China as one of the countries, that you say, is ripping off the United States, China’s global footprint is expanding, they’re already in North Africa, they’re building a huge port in Pakistan, they have great deals– investment deals in Panama and Latin America. Sort of coming very close to the United States, geographically. Do you trust the strategic goals of China? Are you a little bit worried?

TRUMP: “Well I think they’re going to have less money than they have right now, because the deal that I make, and if you look at we have 250 billion dollars right now, at 25%. That means we’re going to be taking in billions and billions of dollars, plus I can double that up, and then I can double it again, and they could never do what they did in the past with other Presidents, because – and you see what’s happening with China. I don’t want to do this, but they are not doing very well now compared to what they were doing, and – again I think that we are doing well.”

Q: “But as a national security point, you know, with their investment in Latin America and all over the world, it does seem that they are making a bigger footprint around the world.”

TRUMP: “I know, but they have a debt problem and they have to pay for that debt. It’s a tremendous amount of money that they’re spending. Do I like it? Probably not, but I also know it’s very expensive for them, and a lot of those places aren’t going to work out.”

Q: “You were going to – or at least you had considered meeting with President Putin and you have declined to. Had you met with him what was your agenda with the President?

TRUMP: “Well I just said that, you know, frankly in light of what happened with Ukraine with the ships and the sailors, it just wouldn’t be the right time, but I will meet with him. I think we have a very good relationship, and I think we’re going to have a very good relationship with Russia, and China, and everyone else. I mean, I think it’s important. So I’ll meet with him at the appropriate time.”

Q: “What do you think his – he’s thinking about doing with Ukraine? Why did he seize the sails and the vessels?”

TRUMP: “I can’t read his mind, and nobody can, and he knows what he wants to do, but we can’t allow certain things to happen, you know, it happened, and I just can’t be a part of it.”

Q: “One of the issues of a global economy is climate change. That’s a discussion here. What’s your position on climate change and how it has effected the economy worldwide?”

TRUMP: “Very simple, I want the cleanest air and the cleanest water on the planet. I want crystal clean water and that’s what we have. We’ve been doing very well with respect to the environment and that’s what I want. But I’m not going to put the country out of business trying to maintain certain standards that probably don’t matter. When you look at China, and when you look at other countries where they have foul air, they have not good air that comes over to the United States. People don’t want to talk about it, but it comes over. So we’re going to be clean but they’re not, and it costs a lot of money. Well the fact is, we are absolutely clean, but we’re not going to spend trillions of dollars and make it good for others but not make it good for our—You know, I have a very simple policy, it’s called America First. At the same time, we’re going to be a great neighbor to the world. But we have to treat ourselves fairly, so that’s the way it is.”​

Q: “Are you going to mention to President Xi about climate change?

TRUMP: “We’ll talk about it, were talking about a lot of things. The big thing were talking about is trade, that’s what people want to hear and you know, he’s gotta to do something with his climate- his climates a little bit though. But- and I’m sure he will. I think he’s- he’s a friend of mine and a good man but you know, we have a little bit of a dispute. And again, our country has been taken advantage of for many years and that’s just not going to happen anymore.”

Q: “Alright now, our domestic economy, next week there’s a vote possibly on a government shutdown. First of all do you think there’s going to be a US government shutdown and does that have any sort of global economic impact?”

TRUMP: “Well I can’t tell you if there’s going to be a shutdown because nobody knows but I will tell you we’re going to have border security. We’re gonna have a lot of border security- you saw what we did with the all of the caravans coming up and now they’re starting to head out, they’re starting to go back. But we are going to have security. We’re not going to let people come into our country illegally. We’re going to have people come in on merit. We need people, you know? We have the lowest unemployment rate we’ve had in 51 years. We need people in this country. we have companies moving in, in fact Prime Minister Abe of Japan just told me they’re moving two car companies- they’re going to opening up two massive plants you know, you don’t hear that often but a lot of that is happening. You hear about General Motors and I don’t know what happened with General Motors but the trend is exactly the opposite. And I will say this – our economy has never done better. We’re doing unbelievable numbers, you see that. And a lot of good things are happening.”