BBG Gone Pravda

BBG Watch Commentary An old Soviet-era joke went something like this: “This is Armenian Radio; our listeners asked…

CUSIB Congratulates Michael Lynton on Appointment as Interim Presiding Governor

The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB), an independent nongovernmental organization that urges the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to pay closer attention to human rights reporting, serving oppressed audiences and fair treatment of employees, has released a statement congratulating Michael Lynton on his appointment as Interim Presiding Governor.
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Putin goes after Radio Svoboda on Russian TV — CUSIB and BBG Watch

In a prime-time interview aired on October 17 with the heads of Russia’s three largest television stations, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that during the Cold War, his former employer — the KGB — viewed Radio Svoboda as a branch of the CIA engaged in spying in the former Soviet Union, the Committee for U.S.
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BBG’s Victor Ashe raises employee morale issues

In a rare move for a member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), a struggling federal agency which oversees U.S. government-funded news and information broadcasts for foreign audiences, BBG Governor Ambassador Victor Ashe raised the issue of employee morale at the Voice of America (VOA), one of the broadcasting entities managed by the BBG. Speaking at an open BBG meeting on October 13, 2011, Ambassador Ashe acknowledged that despite a minor improvement in the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey results for the Broadcasting Board of Governors, BBG remains near the very bottom among all federal agencies in terms of employee morale.
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NGOs defend media freedom against Kim Jong-Il's regime

Free media NGOs and shortwave radio stations help to bring uncensored news to North Korea. One of them is Voice of America. VOA and its parent agency, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, however, are also criticized for promoting to what amounts to a North Korean propaganda video.

Newly-formed Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting vows to defend media freedom journalism

BBG Watch has learned that individuals associated with U.S. human rights, labor, and media freedom organizations have formed the Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) with the aim of working with the Administration, Congress and media to promote free flow of uncensored news from the United States to countries in which journalists are threatened or lack sufficient resources.