Read More 2 minute read Helle Dale – The BBG’s Culture of SecrecyJune 27, 2012 In a post on the Heritage Foundation blog The Foundry, the foundation’s senior public diplomacy analyst Helle Dale…
Rep. Rohrabacher – BBG strikes blows against government transparency and Congressional oversightJune 27, 2012 In a letter to the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) condemned the recently-passed BBG…
CUSIB Calls Upon the BBG to Restore TransparencyJune 22, 2012 Republished from CUSIB. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 21, 2012 CUSIB Calls Upon the BBG to Restore Transparency…
Broadcasting Board of Governors threatens employees with punishment for revealing non-public informationJune 14, 2012 In a controversial move for a U.S. government international broadcasting agency, the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) published…