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Beware of Central Bureaucracy for USIB

BBG Watch Commentary This BBG Watch commentary on the “21st Century Vision for U.S. Global Media” paper by…

Broadcasting Board of Governors: The Good, The Bad, The Nonsensical

by The Federalist Ted Lipien’s recent op-ed piece in The Washington Times, “LIPIEN: VOA harms Putin opposition in Russia Faked interviews, lax Web security are signs a shakeup is needed,” took the Voice of America’s (VOA) Russian Service to the woodshed for its recent fiasco of posting a fake interview with a leading Russian opposition leader and dissident blogger.
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Putin goes after Radio Svoboda on Russian TV — CUSIB and BBG Watch

In a prime-time interview aired on October 17 with the heads of Russia’s three largest television stations, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that during the Cold War, his former employer — the KGB — viewed Radio Svoboda as a branch of the CIA engaged in spying in the former Soviet Union, the Committee for U.S.