Read More 4 minute read CNN, Rep. Engel got played by ‘BBG whistleblowers’March 21, 2018 BBG Watch Commentary For several days, some contributors to BBG Watch were being bombarded with rumors from secondary…
Broadcasting Board of Governors staff issues a gag order on Gallup contract, BBG employee union points outSeptember 19, 2012 A commentary has been posted on the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) employee union AFGE Local 1812 website…
Broadcasting Board of Governors staffers resist calls from BBG Governors for public discussion and setting date for audit of Gallup contractSeptember 17, 2012 BBG Watch Commentary At the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) open meeting last Thursday, September 13, 2012, executive…
Rep. Rohrabacher – BBG strikes blows against government transparency and Congressional oversightJune 27, 2012 In a letter to the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) condemned the recently-passed BBG…
What stopped BBG's GC from including whistleblower protection language?June 16, 2012 At their meeting last week in Prague, BBG members made it clear and voted to include whistleblower protection…
Staff omits whistleblower protection despite BBG voteJune 15, 2012 Despite a long discussion and a unanimous vote by the Broadcasting Board of Governors members that nothing in…