BBG Watch Commentary

CSM LogoTime magazine and now Christian Science Monitor have both reported on the letter sent on August 28 by the then U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson to Al Ahram newspaper, in which she denounced as “absolutely absurd and dangerous” the state-run paper’s claims that she was personally involved in a conspiracy to divide and destabilize Egypt.

The Voice of America English news website continues to ignore this story even though it deals with anti-Americanism, media freedom issues, journalism, and U.S. foreign policy.

For more details about reasons for VOA management’s failure to cover such stories see: Gulf News columnist says Voice of America lost much of its relevance, BBG Watch, September 2, 2013.

The fault for such news stories being ignored on the VOA news website is with the top Voice of America management. VOA journalists have been working under very difficult conditions, without sufficient resources, and in a climate of low employee morale and intimidation from some of the senior managers.

For the Christian Science Monitor story see: Egypt press crackdown and propaganda: The information wars are heating up in Egypt; By Dan Murphy, Staff writer, Christian Science Monitor, September 2, 2013.

For the Time magazine story see: Outgoing U.S. Ambassador in Egypt Slams State-Run NewspaperTime; By Noah Rayman, August 29, 2013.

VOA Director David Ensor and Executive Editor Steve Redisch need to insure that Voice of America does not ignore on its English website these types of U.S.-focused international news stories.

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