BBG Watch Commentary

VOA Live Audio Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 9.11PM ET. It is now 9:50 PM ET - VOA online radio has been playing music non-stop with no U.S. election coverage whatsoever other than a short newscast.
VOA Live Audio Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 9.11PM ET. It is now 9:50 PM ET – VOA online radio has been playing music non-stop with no U.S. election coverage whatsoever other than a short newscast which, when downloaded shortly after 10PM ET, did not have a single U.S. news item and did not mention U.S. elections at all.


10:00PM ET 11-4-14 VOA LATEST, ON-DEMAND, ONLINE RADIO NEWSCAST. This Voice of America English newscast downloaded shortly after 10PM ET on U.S. election night, November 4, 2014, did not have a single U.S. news item and no U.S. election coverage whatsoever.


U.S. Election Night, 9:05-9:50PM and continuing – Voice of America (VOA): Listen: NOW PLAYING: Live audio – Voice of America (VOA) radio has been playing non-stop, automated music stream with barely a few recorded sentences from a DJ and no U.S. election coverage whatsoever in the program being aired right now (9:50 PM ET). We were not able to confirm whether there was a newscast at the top of the hour, but presumably there was one. Short (5 minute) VOA English newscasts can be listened to online on-demand separately from VOA “Live Audio.” But a Voice of America English radio newscast downloaded shortly after 10PM ET on U.S. election night, November 4, 2014, did not have a single U.S. news item and no U.S. election coverage whatsoever.

U.S. election coverage on the VOA English news website is not much better.


“Needless to observe, but BBC is wiping VOA in the dirt with wall to wall digital – web and live TV coverage,” a former VOA senior correspondent observed to BBG Watch.


VOA Homepage Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 9.28PM ET
VOA Homepage Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 9.28PM ET


BBC Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 9.29PM ET
BBC Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 9.29PM ET


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