BBG Watch Commentary

Andrew Lack to Leave Bloomberg for Federal Agency Post
The current chairman, Universal’s Jeff Shell, said, “Andy Lack has an unmatched record as a journalist and media executive, and he has successfully steered large organizations through changes in competitive media environments.”
READ MORE: Andrew Lack to Leave Bloomberg for Federal Agency Post, Ted Johnson, VARIETY, September 23, 2014
Andy Lack Named First CEO of U.S. International Media
RW reported yesterday that the website BBG Watch had written that the position would be offered. That site, which is unaffiliated with BBG, is run by former Voice of America official Ted Lipien, who also is a leader of the group Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting. In his post, Lipien wrote that Lack is “an executive with some of the most impressive journalistic and corporate media credentials. But Mr. Lack will have a very challenging job in dealing with the government bureaucracy and in finding ways of expanding impact and audience through mission-consistent high quality public service journalism.”
READ MORE: Andy Lack Named First CEO of U.S. International Media, Paul McLane, Radio World, September 23, 2014
Andrew Lack Named BBG CEO: Former news, entertainment exec will head up VOA, other international outlets
“In the newly-created CEO post, Lack will oversee Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio and TV Martí, Radio Free Asia and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks.”
READ MORE: Andrew Lack Named BBG CEO: Former news, entertainment exec will head up VOA, other international outlets, John Eggerton, BROADCASTING & CABLE, September 2, 2014
BBG Offers Top Job To Bloomberg’s Lack
BBG Offers Top Job To Bloomberg’s Lack – 9/22 – The DC-based Broadcasting Board Of Governors has voted to offer the CEO job at the US taxpayer-funded international broadcasting organization, which includes the Voice Of America, to Andrew Lack, chairman of Bloomberg Media Group. Lack worked at CBS News as a producer of “60 Minutes” from 1976 until 1993, when he was named the president of NBC News. More at…..
READ MORE: BBG Offers Top Job To Bloomberg’s Lack,, September 22, 2014
BBG Watch
BBG Names Andy Lack CEO – BBG Watch had it first
Speaking on behalf of the Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting, (CUSIB –, CUSIB Executive Director Ann Noonan has congratulated Andy Lack for accepting the position of CEO for the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).
“As a non-profit organization whose mission is to support independent journalism, media freedom and human rights, CUSIB is acutely aware of the potential your new office has for improving the operation of the BBG,” Ann Noonan and CUSIB Director Ted Lipien said. “You will now have the potential to provide a degree of focus and oversight that has been sadly missing,” their statement said.
READ MORE: BBG Names Andy Lack CEO – BBG Watch had it first, BBG Watch, September 23, 2014
SEE: Bloomberg’s Andy Lack eyed for U.S. broadcasting CEO job at BBG, BBG Watch, September 18, 2014
SEE: Shifting the news agenda with Andy Lack, Bloomberg man eyed for CEO of U.S. media outreach at BBG, BBG Watch, September 18, 2014
SEE: EXCLUSIVE Broadcasting Board of Governors voted to offer CEO job to Andy Lack of Bloomberg, BBG Watch, September 20, 2014