BBG Watch Commentary
UPDATE: Only within the last few minutes, VOA News had two Facebook Live reports, but they were finished before we could observe the number of live views. The competition, including Russia’s RT, had Facebook Live reports on U.S. election hours before VOA English News did. We’ll keep watching.
SECOND UPDATE: At 5:27 PM ET, the Voice of America VOA English News still does not have any new LIVE FACEBOOK transmissions. BBC News has one with already 17,000 live views and 1,300 comments on Facebook.

THIRD UPDATE: At 5:30 PM ET, a VOA News Post showing: “INSTAGRAM VOANews: Drone video of polling station in Damascus, Maryland” has 2 comments, 4 shares, and 1,600 NON-LIVE views. There is still no new VOA News Live Facebook transmission on U.S. election, while RT is there currently with 1,500 LIVE views.

FOURTH UPDATE: At 5:30 PM ET, Russia’s RT was on LIVE on Facebook with U.S. election coverage with 1,500 LIVE views, 2,100 Facebook “Likes” and 839 “Shares.”

So far we have not seen today any Voice of America VOA English News live U.S. election feeds on Facebook. We have observed that VOA News had registered between 6-30 Live views on previous attempts in Facebook Live coverage. Unlike VOA News, BBC, New York Times, Russia’s RT, Germany’s DW, and France’s RFI were live today on Facebook with U.S. election coverage showing hundreds and thousands of live views.
Previous VOA English News attempts at live reporting on Facebook frequently produced only between 6 and 30 live views. If one excludes VOA journalists and managers watching them, that is less than insignificant. Today’s New York Times Facebook Live U.S. election day coverage was showing earlier 5,600 live views. Russia’s RT Facebook Live U.S. election day coverage was showing earlier 2,800 live views.
See some of the screenshots of previous VOA News Live Facebook feeds and today’s Live Facebook feeds by New York Times, RT, DW, and RFI.
VOA English News Facebook Live screenshots are from before the U.S. election day because so far we have not seen any VOA News Facebook Live election coverage on the VOA News Facebook page today.

These New York Times, RT, DW, and RFI Facebook Live screenshots were taken earlier today.