Employees don’t buy ‘computer system is to blame’ explanation for late contractor payments

Judging by the content and the tone of comments to our report, “BBG orders that contractors be paid on time by Thanksgiving,” IBB/BBG employees don’t buy the management’s explanation that an outdated computer system is to blame for late payments to contract employees. Those employees who have commented see the explanation as a typical ploy by the managers responsible for the problem to deflect the blame from themselves. Employees also make fun of the BBG-imposed Thanksgiving deadline for paying contract employees and vendors on time.

Broadcasting Board of Governors: The Good, The Bad, The Nonsensical

by The Federalist Ted Lipien’s recent op-ed piece in The Washington Times, “LIPIEN: VOA harms Putin opposition in Russia Faked interviews, lax Web security are signs a shakeup is needed,” took the Voice of America’s (VOA) Russian Service to the woodshed for its recent fiasco of posting a fake interview with a leading Russian opposition leader and dissident blogger.

BBG orders that contractors be paid on time by Thanksgiving

BBG Watch has learned that at the Governance Committee meeting this week, the Committee adopted unanimously (all four Governors present were: Michael Lynton, Susan McCue, Dennis Mulhaupt and Victor Ashe; Lynton and McCue participated by phone) a motion directing that all contractors be paid on time by Thanksgiving of this year.

Absentee member Michael Lynton pushed to become temporary Broadcasting Board of Governors chair

Sources tell BBG Watch that Democrats on the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) are pushing for Michael Lynton, an absentee member, to become temporary BBG chair until a permanent chairman is named, whenever that may be. Lynton has distinguished himself for being the worst absentee board member. He has missed at least five BBG meetings, including the January one