BBG Watch Commentary – “BBG Media Highlights” are distributed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) – a U.S. federal agency.

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Please note: George Sayevich, former VOA reporter, brutally beaten in Ukraine.


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BBG Media Highlights – February 20, 2014
About Out Networks

— Ghana Broadcasting Corporation signs agreement with Voice of America.

— George Sayevich, former VOA reporter, brutally beaten in Ukraine.

Citations of BBG Networks

— New York Times credits RFE/RL several times for Ukraine coverage.

— USA Today and Washington Post cite RFE/RL Ukrainian Service interview with Yanukovych adviser.

— VOA interview with Vietnamese news editor cited by Foreign Policy in article on restrictions of coverage of Sino-Vietnamese War.

— Vice quotes VOA interview with Korea Society on relations with North Korea.

— Newsweek quotes RFE/RL interview in analysis on Ukraine’s political situation.

— Putin’s master plan? The Spectator quotes RFE/RL’s Brian Whitmore on Russia analysis.

— Foreign Policy quotes RFE/RL interview with spokeswoman for Ukrainian president.

— UPI cites VOA report on Thai government’s emergency order.

— State Column cites VOA report on the number dead in Ukraine.

In the foreign-language press:

— Elnashra published a short article about Alhurra’s 10th anniversary mentioning Secretary Kerry’s letter to Alhurra.

Of Interest

— Building communities in unexpected places.

— We were never as unified as TV made us believe.

— Facebook to acquire WhatsApp for $16 billion.

— Al Jazeera journalists go to court today.

— Genuine democracy is still a stranger in most of the former Soviet republics.

— An absence of censorship in China for House of Cards.

About Us
The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is the independent federal agency that oversees all government-supported U.S. civilian international media. The mission of the BBG is to inform, engage and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy. Networks within the BBG include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa), Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio and TV Marti).  BBG programming reaches an audience of 206 million in more than 100 countries and in 61 languages.