BBG Watch Commentary – “BBG Media Highlights” are distributed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) – a U.S. federal agency.

We re-post “BBG Media Highlights” without any guarantees of their completeness.

Please check our website for any additional reporting on U.S. international media outreach.

Today we recommend Hackathon for Cuba to address the lack of information freedom on the Cuban internet, which includes the blocking of Radio and TV Marti websites.

From BBG Watch website we recommend two reports illustrating ongoing news reporting and management crisis at the Voice of America:

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State planned visit to Ukraine reported by Russia’s RT, not by Voice of America, BBG Watch,

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Tweeted about Kerry’s phone call with Ukrainian opposition leaders – no reporting from Voice of America, BBG Watch.



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BBG Media Highlights – January 31, 2014
About Our Networks

— Hackathon for Cuba to address the lack of information freedom on the Cuban internet, which includes the blocking of Radio and TV Marti websites.

— Zimbabwe government official claims that the only reason people listen to VOA and other private media is “because they are unable to get the signal of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation.”

Citations of BBG Networks

— CNN International uses Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty video of protest in Ukraine.

— Vietnam feeling threatened by increasingly marginalized role in Laos. Quartz cites Radio Free Asia in story on China’s increasing influence in the region.

— VOA’s Steve Herman joins an episode of the John Batchelor Show to discuss China.

— Slate cites RFE/RL piece on Steven Seagal’s praise of Putin.

— Nagaland Post cites VOA report on election boycott in Thailand.

— Tibetan Review cites RFA on detention of Tibetan youth for having image of Dalai Lama on his phone.

Of Interest

— White House “deeply concerned” by China’s treatment of foreign journalists.

— Tech sanctions on Sudan make it difficult for activists to communicate securely.

— North Korean Ambassador to the UK speaks with Sky News.

— Facebook Paper.

— Fake news.

About Us
The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is the independent federal agency that oversees all government-supported U.S. civilian international media. The mission of the BBG is to inform, engage and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy. Networks within the BBG include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa), Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio and TV Marti).  BBG programming reaches an audience of 206 million in more than 100 countries and in 61 languages.