The nongovernmental and independent Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting has issued a strong statement in opposition to the Broadcasting Board of Governors’ plans to eliminate or reduce news and information programs to Tibet, China, Vietnam, Laos, Burma and to other countries without free media.
“What all of this discussion points to every so clearly is the need for overseeing congressional committees to hold comprehensive hearings on the future of U.S. international broadcasting, and do it BEFORE any legislation is able to move through Congress that would simply rubber stamp the BBG’s flim flam strategic plan.” – A comment from an anonymous VOA journalist on an article in by Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott
Message to Broadcasting Board of Governors: Yes, some of us are cowards and we are ashamed I agree totally with the scared employee quoted above. Even amongst management there is a pervasive sense of fear and retaliation. Anyone’s job can be put on the line for petty imagined offenses – or a privately expressed opinion