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VOA Director Amanda Bennett’s Chinese New Year Greeting Backfires

BBG Watch Commentary 美国之音给您拜年啦!美国之音台长贝内特、中文部主任托瑞埃罗和其他语言组的同仁祝您?年身体健康、合家欢乐、万事如意!!! — 美国之音中文网 (@VOAChinese) February 3, 2019   VOA Director Amanda Bennett’s Chinese New…
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CUSIB Inquires About VOA Mandarin 5

BBG Watch Commentary At the open meeting of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) on November 14, Committee…
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Remember The VOA Mandarin Five

BBG Watch Commentary We offer the two official Voice of America (VOA) and Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)…
Amanda Bennett being sworn as VOA Director by Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) CEO John Lansing, April 18, 2016. Kelu Chao, a longtime VOA senior executive and later acting CEO of USAGM (BBG's name since 2018) is also in the photo.
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Two Faces of BBG Management

BBG Watch Commentary The senior mangement of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) has at least two faces.…