BBG Watch Commentary

Sharon Stone reports  on Twitter about her Peace Summit Award.
Sharon Stone reports on Twitter about her Peace Summit Award.

While posting a Reuters report on finishing schools in Switzerland and five reports on the British royal christening, the Voice of America (VOA) English website ignored an appeal from Nobel Peace laureates to the Chinese government to free dissident writer Liu Xiaobo, also a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Last Swiss Finishing School Admits Men for First Time, VOA – Reuters, Oct. 25, 2013.

VOA English news did not report on the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, held at about the same time in Warsaw, Poland. It also did not report that American actress Sharon Stone received from them the Nobel Peace Award for her activism on behalf of AIDS victims. The Dalai Lama and Solidarity leader, Poland’s former president Lech Walesa, and Iranian human rights lawyer Dr. Shirin Ebadi participated in the summit meeting.

VOA Director David Ensor's public Facebook page shows that he checked on the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates on October 21.
VOA Director David Ensor’s public Facebook page shows that he checked on the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates on October 21.

The public Facebook page of Voice of America director David Ensor shows under “Recent Activity” that he had checked the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates Facebook page, but it did not result in any VOA English news coverage.

Special Statement on Liu Xiaobo

We deeply regret that our fellow Nobel Peace Laureate Liu Xiaobo cannot be here with us in Warsaw, Poland to celebrate human solidarity and peace. This distinguished writer and professor is a prisoner of conscience incarcerated in Jinzhou, Liaoning, China.

We respectfully call upon the government of China to release our fellow Nobel Peace Laureate Lui Xiaobo. He, like us, is an advocate for nonviolence, debate and dialogue. He has called for progress in democracy and citizen participation in governance. These are benefits not threats to any society.

China is a great nation with a growing dynamic economy. In recent years it has uplifted millions of its citizens from material poverty. It is time for China to demonstrate its full confidence in universal human rights and thus freedom of expression.

Human rights are inherent in our humanity; they are universal, not western or eastern. Our commitment to human solidarity compels us to call for the release of all prisoners of conscience everywhere.

We, As Nobel Peace Prize recipients, remind our Chinese friends that freedom of non-violent expression, freedom of speech and conscience, strengthen society and enhance culture, wellbeing, and the quality of life. Freeing our colleague Lui Xiaobo and other prisoners of conscience will be abenefit to China and the world.

President Walesa
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
Amnesty International
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Shirin Ebadi
International Peace Bureau/ Colin Archer
Betty Williams
His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama
Jody Williams

Warsaw, October 23, 2013

Sharon Stone has received the Peace Summit Award in Warsaw

Three days of debates, Nobel Peace Laureates from around the world, twenty youth workshops, several thousand participants and the winner of the Peace Summit Award – Sharon Stone. On Wednesday the 13th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates officially came to an end.

This year’s Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates took place in Warsaw on 21-23 October and was attended by such prominent guests as former Polish President Lech Wałęsa, His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama, former President of South Africa Frederik Willem de Klerk, Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi, Irish peace activists Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan-Maugire, the originator of microcredit Muhammad Yunus, as well as representatives of Nobel Peace Prize awarded organisations. A special guest of the Summit was Samia Nkrumah, social activist and daughter of the first Ghana’s President.

During the Summit debates Nobel Peace Laureates talked about the most topical issues related to peace, democracy and human rights. The themes raised at official meetings were followed up during the afternoon youth workshops held as part of the Civic Academy, a recurring project of the Lech Wałęsa Institute.

The last day of the Summit featured an official ceremony presenting the Peace Summit Award. Since 1999, the Award has been annually bestowed to high-profile cultural or entertainment personalities who act to address problems of the modern world. This year’s Peace Summit Award was presented to the actress Sharon Stone for her “activities that brought solidarity and new hope to the millions of people who have fought and are fighting against the tragedy of HIV/AIDS”. Accepting the prize from Nobel Peace Laureates, the actress called the audience to support her charitable work.

On the final day of the three days of debates, Presidents De Klerk and Wałęsa announced that the next year’s World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates will be held in Capetown, South Africa.


The VOA English website had five separate news reports on the royal christening in Great Britain while the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates was taking place. None of these reports received more than 20 Facebook “Likes” on the VOA site as of Monday evening, October 28, 2013. One had zero “Likes.” Another one had only three. At least two of these reports were from Reuters.

Reuters did have a video report on Sharon Stone receiving her Peace Summit Award. VOA English news did not use it.

Britain’s Future Monarch Christened in Low-Key London Ceremony

October 23, 2013 12:19 PM

and friends, and named only one member of the royal family as a godparent to George – William’s cousin Zara Philips. The other six godparents are friends of the royal couple. All seven godparents were among the attendees of the christening, along with Prince William’s father Prince Charles and step-mother Camilla, and his grandparents Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. The low-key nature of the ceremony appeared to reflect a desire by Prince William and Kate to protect the privacy of their son, while the naming of friends as his godparents showed their willingness to update royal customs.

Among five reports on the VOA website on the royal christening in Britain, none has more than 20 Facebook “Likes” as of Monday afternoon, October 28, 2013, one has zero Facebook “Likes” and another one has three.

Zones: Breaking News , Europe

Prince William, Kate Hold Private Christening for New Prince

October 23, 2013 12:08 PM

……..was born on July 22. In the arms of his mother as she left the the palace’s Chapel Royal, George was dressed in a long cream satin robe that was a replica of an 1841 gown made for the christening of Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter. Kate, a style icon whose outfits often increase sales of similar garments, wore an off-white, ruffled skirt-suit, made by British fashion house Alexander McQueen, and pillbox hat by British milliner Jane Taylor ….

Tags: Britain , duchess catherine , Kate Middleton , prince george , Prince William , royal christening

Zones: Europe

Reporters: Reuters

Prince George’s Godparents Named Ahead of Christening

October 23, 2013 8:20 AM

……..William and Kate’s decision is a break with the tradition of choosing royal dignitaries to take on the ceremonial role, and a continuation of their effort to portray a more informal, modern image to austerity-hit Britons. After the christening, guests will attend a private tea at Clarence House, hosted by Prince Charles and Camilla. Hollywood photographer Jason Bell has been tapped to take official photos of the event, that will include a “historic multi-generational photograph” of the queen

Tags: Britain , monarch , prince george , royal christening

Zones: Europe

Reporters: VOA News

Royal Baby Christening Breaks with Tradition

October 23, 2013 12:14 AM

Carla Babb Prince George, the son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, is being christened in Britain on Wednesday. In a break from tradition, the christening of the world’s most famous baby will be as low key as possible. Three months ago, Prince William and his wife Catherine shared their bundle of joy with the world. And just as the royal couple broke with tradition ….

Tags: British royal family , christening , Prince William , Princess Kate , royal baby , royal christening , royalty

Zones: Europe

Reporters: Carla Babb

Hollywood Photographer to Record British Prince’s Christening

October 22, 2013 9:59 AM

Reuters A British photographer known for his portraits of rock stars and Hollywood actors was named on Tuesday as the official photographer of the world’s newest celebrity – Prince George. Prince William and his wife Kate have chosen Jason Bell to photograph the christening on Wednesday, October 23, of their son, the third-in-line to the British throne, a palace statement said. Bell, 44, is an award-winning photographer best known for portraits of celebrities such as musician Paul McCartney, footballer David Beckham ….

Tags: Britain , christening , prince george , royals

Zones: Europe , Arts & Entertainment

Reporters: Reuters