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Meet The USAGM PR Flash Meister

OPINION   Government International Media: Meet The USAGM PR Flash Meister   By The Federalist   John Lansing.…
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Silencing Steve Bannon

GUEST BBG – USAGM WATCH COMMENTARY Silencing Steve Bannon   By Sasha Gong     It is hard…
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Voice of America explains Putin

BBG Watch Commentary Voice of America Reporter Tries to Clarify Putin’s Remark on NATO’s Role in Ukraine  …
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Does Shortwave Radio Have a Future?

BBG Watch Guest Article This article by Thomas Whitherspoon, Director and Founder at Ears To Our World, originally…
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Voice of America needs a new culture

BBG Watch Guest Commentary BBG Watch occasionally publishes guest commentaries. Views expressed here are only those of the…
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Why didn’t you ask us before?

BBG Watch Guest Commentary BBG Watch has received several comments from current and former Voice of America journalists…