A Voice of America journalist who uses a pen name Mary Jane has posed this problem: As we stand on the precipice of collapse, crumbling and leaderless, fearing for our jobs while simultaneously wishing to be released from this torturous slow decay, a keen look at our so-called management is due. Mary Jane promised to provide that look in several installments. The series is titled “HOWL.” Part Three – Inspector Detective of Email Violations Few are the Executive Producer and Managing Editors who have not received one of these chastising missives, confidently sent to “reply all.” Read this bit of VOA managerial prose: “While it certainly helps to know when
The nongovernmental and independent Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting has issued a strong statement in opposition to the Broadcasting Board of Governors’ plans to eliminate or reduce news and information programs to Tibet, China, Vietnam, Laos, Burma and to other countries without free media.
Message to Broadcasting Board of Governors: Yes, some of us are cowards and we are ashamed I agree totally with the scared employee quoted above. Even amongst management there is a pervasive sense of fear and retaliation. Anyone’s job can be put on the line for petty imagined offenses – or a privately expressed opinion
by The Federalist The Broadcasting Board of Governors – International Broadcasting Bureau (BBG/IBB), known to be the worst organization in the Federal Government, added to its reputation on Monday, February 13, 2012 when it announced substantial cuts to its broadcast operations, as part of the administration’s FY2013 budget request to the Congress.
Without the grossly exploited POVs, VOA would be little more than Kafkaesque hallways of frustrated bureaucrats with no one to boss around. – Anonymous VOA journalist A Voice of America journalist who uses a pen name Mary Jane has posed this problem: As we stand on the precipice of collapse, crumbling and leaderless, fearing for our jobs while simultaneously wishing to be released from this torturous slow decay, a keen look at our so-called management is due. Mary Jane promised to provide that look in several installments
BBG Watch is wondering whether the same Broadcasting Board of Governors executives who tried to reduce Radio Free Asia broadcasts to Tibet in 2007 and convinced the current BBG members to propose ending Voice of America radio to Tibet told the Board about what happened in 2007 and what might happen again now. This is what Politico reported in May, 2007, “Monks plead with Hill for Tibetan radio airtime” Their flowing red robes stood out in the sea of gray, navy and brown suits assembled for a recent hearing before the House Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations
A Voice of America journalist who uses a pen name Mary Jane has posed this problem: As we stand on the precipice of collapse, crumbling and leaderless, fearing for our jobs while simultaneously wishing to be released from this torturous slow decay, a keen look at our so-called management is due. Mary Jane promised to provide that look in several installments
This commentary by an anonymous Broadcasting Board of Governors’ journalist analyzes the BBG’s FY2013 budget proposal which calls for silencing Voice of America (VOA) radio broadcasts to Tibet as part of cutting America’s broadcasts to three out of five remaining communist regimes. Silencing Voice of America Radio to Tibet: Has the Broadcasting Board of Governors Gone Mad? The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) budget submission requests cutting seven employees out of 22 in the Voice of America (VOA) Tibetan Service, ending all six hours of daily VOA Tibetan radio broadcasts.
BBG Watch is providing this information, which was obtained from several sources. While the main points are believed to be accurate, we can’t guarantee complete accuracy. Please continue checking our website and official BBG announcements
Voice of America (VOA) radio to Tibet and radio and TV in Cantonese to China to be completely eliminated under the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) proposal. As predicted by BBG Watch, in their FY2013 budget proposal, International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) and Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) executives continue their plan to eliminate or greatly reduce numerous Voice of America (VOA) English and foreign language programs and associated jobs serving many critical countries, including China and Tibet. In what could be described as nothing less than an attempt to eliminate Voice of America as the primary source for news about America on radio and television and to reduce VOA brand name presence in many countries, IBB/BBG executives have proposed complete elimination of VOA radio broadcasts to Tibet, both radio and TV broadcasts in Cantonese to China, VOA radio to Georgia, VOA radio to Albania, and all VOA programs to Greece.
BBG Watch News Commentary The proposed budget cut for the entire Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) in FY 2013 is expected to be 4.7 percent and that painful RIFs (Reductions-in-Force) are unavoidable and likely to be used against rank-and-file employees, BBG Watch sources report. They are afraid that critical broadcasting and other information programs to countries without free media will be cut to protect the jobs of the International Broadcasting Bureau managers.
The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB), an independent nongovernmental organization that urges the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to pay closer attention to human rights reporting, serving oppressed audiences and fair treatment of employees, has released a statement congratulating Michael Lynton on his appointment as Interim Presiding Governor.
by The Federalist Ted Lipien’s recent op-ed piece in The Washington Times, “LIPIEN: VOA harms Putin opposition in Russia Faked interviews, lax Web security are signs a shakeup is needed,” took the Voice of America’s (VOA) Russian Service to the woodshed for its recent fiasco of posting a fake interview with a leading Russian opposition leader and dissident blogger.
Following the departure of Chairman Walter Isaacson, the Broadcasting Board of Governors today unanimously approved BBG member Michael Lynton as its new interim presiding governor. BBG Watch reported earlier that Michael Lynton has had the worst attendance record at BBG meetings.