BBG Watch Commentary – Just Asking

Public Radio International (PRI) has a news story (in English) about Dimitri (Dima) Litvinov, a Greenpeace activist and an American citizen, who is sitting in a Russian jail. The Washington Post published an op ed by his father, Pavel Litvinov, a famous former Soviet dissident and political prisoner. The New York Times had a long news story about the Americans imprisoned in Russia after staging a peaceful environmental protest.
CNN and Fox ran interviews with the wife of the jailed Greenpeace ship’s captain, Peter Willcox, also an American citizen.
The Voice of America English news website has nothing of substance about these two Americans, Greenpeace activists in a Russian jail. Instead, it posted a news report that sided with Vladimir Putin and included slanderous allegations against Greenpeace that were not balanced with a response from Greenpeace.
READ: Voice of America repeats Russian politician’s attack on Greenpeace without retort, misleads world on U.S. law, BBG Watch, November 4, 2013.
How long will it take for the Voice of America to notice this story and to provide balanced reporting?
A Soviet dissident father waits, as his Greenpeace activist son sits in a Russian jail, Public Radio International (PRI), November 04, 2013.