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Voice of America Keeps Cheering for WHO

USAGM WATCH COMMENTARY By Ted Lipien The U.S. taxpayer-funded, U.S. government-managed Voice of America (VOA) in the $800…
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Silencing Steve Bannon

GUEST BBG – USAGM WATCH COMMENTARY Silencing Steve Bannon   By Sasha Gong     It is hard…
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VOA Director Amanda Bennett’s Chinese New Year Greeting Backfires

BBG Watch Commentary 美国之音给您拜年啦!美国之音台长贝内特、中文部主任托瑞埃罗和其他语言组的同仁祝您?年身体健康、合家欢乐、万事如意!!! — 美国之音中文网 (@VOAChinese) February 3, 2019   VOA Director Amanda Bennett’s Chinese New…